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12-5-2024 10:14:35  #1

Olivetti Studio 44 - places of manufacture

Was the Studio 44 ever manufactured in Scotland?  

I know both the Lettera 22 and Lexikon 80 were manufactured at Olivetti's plant in Glasgow Scotland but I'm wondering whether the Studio 44 was as well?  Looking at the 44s in the Galleries at the site there are 2 44s (both with custom Star Wars repaints) that are stated to be made in Scotland but neither gallery shows the manufacturer plate that is normally on the rear of the 44s.  None of the other 44s appear to be from Scotland although there are quite a few where neither a country of origin is stated nor an image shown of the manufacturer plate. 

Working through the galleries, the oldest serial recorded was manufactured in Italy, with Spanish models beginning to appear around the time that Olivetti acquired Underwood.  In the mid sixties Canada begins to appear and then Brazil.

There is also one 44 that is stated to have been made in Italy but assembled in South Africa.

Are there any other locations where the Studio 44 was made?  


17-5-2024 02:15:14  #2

Re: Olivetti Studio 44 - places of manufacture

Shamwari wrote:

Was the Studio 44 ever manufactured in Scotland? 

It looks like they were indeed, according to this post on Robert Messenger's oztypewriter blog on the history of Olivetti

 A London company was established and, at the invitation of the British Government, Olivetti brought employment to an economically depressed and war-devastated Glasgow. By the end of the decade, vast numbers of Nizzoli’s Lexicon 80 and Olivetti Lettera 22 portable (joined later by the Studio 44) were being assembled at the Scottish factory on the Queenslie Industrial Estate on Clydeside, each badged as “British-made”.

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