I know that this is probably way over the top, but it was a passing thought that I had today, so I fiugred why not just bring it up here anways. Does anyone think that there could be some sort of toxins that could be taken in from typewriters? My primarly thought was, what are some of these keys on machines made out of? Was the 50s plastic/resin used for the Olympia SG1 keys toxic to me in any way? I don't think that any answer would pull me too far away from my it too short! But just a thought!
I doubt it.
Early typewriter keys were made of glass, metal and paper.
Later typewriter keys were made of plastic. Not sure what kind, but I doubt it's poisonous. They wouldn't have lasted this long otherwise.
Unless you're eating them or something, that is.
Some of the mold and mildew and dust that develops might not be too healthy, so avoid sucking that down.
I would be far more worried about the molds that you find growing on many old machines that were stored in damp areas than any of the materials used in the machine's construction. In fact, I'm probably doing a lot more harm to myself breathing in the fumes from the cleaning products I use to get rid of the dirt and mold. In some cases I've experienced headaches and numb lips; I guess working for hours with you face pressed near a machine doesn't constitute using those products in a well ventilated area.
Well put everyone I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it