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22-8-2024 07:30:23  #11

Re: What do you think about the SGE 35 typewriter?

Hi Paul,

Cannot give an I have never found a SGE-30 in my travels.

Here is a comparison photo I put together in the past.


22-8-2024 17:43:24  #12

Re: What do you think about the SGE 35 typewriter?

Hi Paul,

I was able to find one photo of the front-interior of a SGE-30 on the internet.  This is the 1st. photo, below.

The 2nd. photo is of my SGE-35.

Hope this is of some help for you.


23-8-2024 20:21:55  #13

Re: What do you think about the SGE 35 typewriter?

Thank you!


13-10-2024 22:09:23  #14

Re: What do you think about the SGE 35 typewriter?

Hi Pete!
  In the end I bought the SGE 30.
  I had a lot of work and I had little free time at home. So as soon as the typewriter arrived, I cleaned it a little, saw that it had some work to do before getting it in perfect condition, so I put it away and have barely had time to use it.
The machine was in pretty good condition, except for a dent on the left side. Apparently it was kept in its case for many years, and at some point it fell, the impact was largely absorbed by the case.  
The case is made of wood so with glue and a press I solved it.
After cleaning the machine it started working, but a couple of the keys didn't respond so I had to keep cleaning and moving everything until they responded.
The only thing that doesn't work is Backspace.
Otherwise it is in good condition. The electric cable is very long. The letter is 11 CPI.
(#84 Congres Elite 11CPI, I think)
What impressed me most about the machine were the materials with which it is built, the belts, for example, are the original ones and are in perfect condition. 
Today I took photos, I have to upload them to typewriterdatabase.

Greetings from Argentina!

What are those screws for?


     Thread Starter

14-10-2024 18:53:49  #15

Re: What do you think about the SGE 35 typewriter?


Congratulations of a nice machine !

Those little screw, I believe, allow you to adjust the impression of each type-bar for type-slug impact/impression on the paper/platen. 


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