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09-9-2024 12:39:19  #1

Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Sprocket Issue

Have a Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Typewriter (1946).  Have not played with it before so I believe that I am just not understanding some functionality.  Cannot find a user manual either.  When using the carriage return, the platen does not rotate.  The lever on the carriage return does engage the sprocket, which turns 1-2 or 3 lines worth, but the platen itself does not turn.

The platen is secure to the roller.  Platen easily rotates when turning with either end knob.  But does nothing when using the carriage return!

I assume I have some other lever in the wrong position.  Need help figuring it out.  Thanks!


09-9-2024 16:13:05  #2

Re: Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Sprocket Issue


Your description of the problem indicates a disengagement between the line advance ratchet and the platen. There is a button in the center of the left hand platen knob. See if this button will pull out to engage the ratchet to the platen. Later models of the Super-Speed had a spring-loaded line-finder button which had to be held in when adjusting the page position for correct alignment of type. It is possible that earlier models of the Super-Speed had a line-finder function that could be left unlocked and manually locked once the page position was correct. Hope this points you in the right direction,


We humans go through many computers in our lives, but in their lives, typewriters go through many of us.
In that way, they’re like violins, like ancestral swords. So I use mine with honor and treat them with respect.
I try to leave them in better condition than I met them. I am not their first user, nor will I be their last.
Frederic S. Durbin. (Typewriter mania and the modern writer)

09-9-2024 16:22:18  #3

Re: Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Sprocket Issue

Thanks skywatcher!  That did it.
It does not pull straight in or out.  You have to twist it about 1/4 turn and it will pop out.  With it out, functions fine.
By the way, in this group is there any way to mark a thread as solved????

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09-9-2024 16:33:33  #4

Re: Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Sprocket Issue

I think you already have 

We humans go through many computers in our lives, but in their lives, typewriters go through many of us.
In that way, they’re like violins, like ancestral swords. So I use mine with honor and treat them with respect.
I try to leave them in better condition than I met them. I am not their first user, nor will I be their last.
Frederic S. Durbin. (Typewriter mania and the modern writer)

10-9-2024 02:16:12  #5

Re: Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Sprocket Issue

As to a user manual the nearest I can find is Smith Corona standards (ca.1950) on the Typewriter Manuals page of Richard Polt's site.


11-9-2024 07:30:38  #6

Re: Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Sprocket Issue


I had a similar problem on one of my standards.  I set the machine on its side in a pile of garage towels and used some PB Blaster when the knob was in the upright. vertical position.  Couple of applications over a day, and the button mechanism just popped out by itself.  Figured it was rusted up a bit.  I then used some denatured alcohol to get rid of the PB Blaster smell, dried with compressed air, and then applied a few drops of light oil.


11-9-2024 07:56:39  #7

Re: Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Sprocket Issue

Thanks, Shamwari! I obtained this manual. You would think that there would be a more detailed one out there somewhere?
Pete E. my issue was pilot error. This example is wonderfully near new & had been well taken care of.

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11-9-2024 08:57:26  #8

Re: Smith Corona Super Speed Standard Sprocket Issue

Here is a 1961 Pacemaker in my collection.

I added the new colours...


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