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28-9-2024 22:06:07  #1

Comic strip

Saw this in the paper today; thought people might find it amusing.

Hmmmmm. I wonder what this button does...

29-9-2024 11:56:57  #2

Re: Comic strip

Yes. Thanks for posting.


07-10-2024 15:25:28  #3

Re: Comic strip

Yes funny and pretty true!

For those unknowing people who do have the same question:
"A typewriter is a machine that produces letters on paper when the user strikes a key, which, in turn, forces a steel type to hit a ribbon and transfer ink from that ribbon to the paper. Typewriters were regularly used from the late 1800s until the late 1900s, when computers gained in popularity."



10-10-2024 00:22:37  #4

Re: Comic strip

It's not surprising that many people don't know what a typewriter is any longer. At least in the US, many young people today can't tell time by looking at a clock with hands, or make change without reading the total on a cash register or using a calculator. Then again, many people in my generation can't cut or write with a quill, saddle a horse, or load a muzzle-loading rifle.

Hmmmmm. I wonder what this button does...
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