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02-10-2024 01:46:48  #1

I like older technologies

Not only do I like typewriters, but I find myself gravitating toward other older technologies. I own fountain pens and quills, film cameras, even black powder firearms. Here are a few photos. 

Here is a Sheaffer Balance (Oversized) fountain pen from the 1930s :

And a goose quill in a 1940s Esterbrook "hockey puck" inkwell:

And another favorite writing implement that some of you may recognize:

And a (replica -- couldn't possibly afford an original) 1861 Colt Navy .36 cal. revolver:

And finally a 1934 Zeiss-Ikon Ikonta 6cm x 9cm 120 roll film camera from 1934:

Hmmmmm. I wonder what this button does...

07-10-2024 15:12:07  #2

Re: I like older technologies

A thumbs up for your pretty collection!


09-10-2024 16:57:51  #3

Re: I like older technologies

Thank you!

Hmmmmm. I wonder what this button does...
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