Composition of your decade-made.
Thought it might be fun for Members to list their typewriters by "decade-made".
Here is my collection composition :
1940's - I typewriter
1950's - 15 typewriters
1960's - 33 typewriters
1970's - 22 typewriters
1980's - 3 typewriters
And slightly related, Olympia machines are the largest representation in my collection with 22 machines made by Olympia.
I have significantly downsized my collection over the last 6 years, and the range has narrowed from where it was at its peak; but of the remaining 26, it consists of:
1920's: 5
1930's: 15
1940's: 4
1950's: 2
Well over half are Royals. My collection was probably the most balanced when I got down to around 50, but then I sort of abandoned balance and just went with favorites.
This is an interesting way to look at them. For me, though, it reflects more on availability than on personal preferences.
1900s 6
1910s 6
1920s 16
1930s 28
1940s 30
1950s 36
1960s 46
1970s 31
1980s 13
1990s 1