Hello people,
1st post, 1st typewriter (old enough to remember my mum using them though!), so bear with me here if I don't describe things well.
Recently bought an Adler Primus which types lovely but the rubber feet and had it so want to replace them.
I've looked pretty hard but can't find how the base is attached to the typewriter. The Primus has a lid that hooks onto the base systems. What solutions are people using for the replacement of rubber feet when they clearly won't be available?
Any help much appreciated
Last edited by strang (24-11-2014 08:20:34)
Fantastic portable!
Are you asking how to remove the bottom portion of the travel case from the machine? If so, many use compression fit posts, but can be very stiff to get apart. If there aren't any levers on either side of the machine - or in the case of some Erika models under the ribbon cover! - then you just need to give it good tug.
thanks Uwe - I like her, very german precision, but beautiful in soviet bond girl way : )
back to reality. Yes trying to get the bottom part of the travel case off. I had another look at it tonight and it has six mounting places. Two at the back and the two at the front are push fit. The ones in the centre, one each side, use some kind of mechanism I think. There are two little spanner type latches that can slide out from underneath but they seem quite loose and don't do anything. I've used them to get get more perchase and I am just bending things which is not what I want to do. They don't seem to catch or turn anything so quite stuck on what to do. Will take a photo tomorrow when I have better light.
The top tab is for locking the carriage (hey he's learning) and the bottom spanner shaped one is definitely to do with the bottom case removal but just doesn't do anything. It swings on an arc and can be tucked under the mackine. There is an identical spanner shaped tab on the other side.
Last edited by strang (25-11-2014 17:55:21)
oh and here's the best I could to get a shot of the how the spanner shaped thing attaches underneath:
It's a common Adler mount. Unlock is one way, lock is the other. Once it's unlocked you just pull it off, and you will meet with some resistance. They're muckled on there pretty tight.