Hi all-
I have a 1961-62 Aztec 700 (which I believe is also an Erika Model 10) that has some tab issues. The serial number is 1971056. I'm hoping that someone out there who has one may be able to enlighten me. My tab key works (even though the carriage moves slowly) and the 'clear' key functions well. I just can't set a tab using the '+' key. It seems that the '+' key for setting tabs is also somehow connected to the margin release key. Is that true? In other words, pressing the margin release also moves the tab set key and they both use some common linkage in the back of the machine?
I have the platen off and the back cover removed, so I can see the tab stops, and the bar that SHOULD be doing the setting, so I can set one manually by hand and see that all of the tab mechanisms work. It seems like the lever that should push in a tab stop doesn't make it all the way to them. This lever also raises to release (clear) the right margin, and that doesn't work either. However, as far as I can tell nothing is blocking the lever from raising any higher, That is where my confusion lies.
If anyone is familiar with the tabs on this particular machine I would appreciate any advice. I can also post pictures later if that would be helpful.