Hi everyone! For starters, I am a typewriter newbie but I do know that the SC Corsair Deluxe is definitely not one of the highest quality machines out there. I knew that when I bought it but figured I could get my start on it. I've also seen lots of people using them with good typing results.
The machine seems to be in pretty good shape. Since the ribbon is obs I had to respool the spools already in the machine which was no trouble. The reason I replaced the ribbon that came in it is because when I tried to type the letters were extremely faint, and some of them only showed half of the letter. The ribbon was visibly aged so I got a new one. After putting the new one in, I still have the same problem. I then used alcohol and tshirt material to lightly clean the letter stamps (I don't know proper names for these parts so forgive me. ). Still, same problem.
Any ideas on what could be causing this and what I should do to try and fix it?
Hi Newbie, and welcome to TT. I moved your post to the Repair section.
Faint type? Since you're new to typewriters, could it be that you're just used to the minimal finger pressure required by a computer keyboard and just aren't typing hard enough? Was the replacement ribbon you used new, or new from old stock (old ribbon that has never been used)? How do the type bars move (the metal arms that fly up to strike the ribbon), easily and quickly, or sluggishly and slowly? I believe your machine has a ribbon colour selector; if so, is it in the black position?
Hey there! Thanks for responding!
I've adjusted the typing pressure to all 3 different settings but nothing changes. I believe I'm hitting the keys sufficiently hard...I don't want to hit them TOO hard but I'm definitely putting some pressure behind it.
The ribbon I just respooled is a new ribbon. I'm going to sound totally ignorant right now (because I am when it comes to this! ;) ) but... is there a "right" side to a ribbon and a "wrong" side? Is there some indicator of that? It seems like you wouldn't want the ink getting on the type bars....but mine definitely had some black buildup on them.
The type bars seem to go up with good speed, easily and quickly. I have had a few keys stick down but that hasn't happened often.
The ribbon colour selector is on black.
The part that actually comes in contact with the ribbon is the type slug, which is mounted on the end of the type bar. There isn't a right/wrong side to the ribbon, but maybe you don't have it correctly threaded through the vibrator. A photo would help in this case.
Quality of pics isn't great because I had to use flash but hopefully this gives you an idea of how I've threaded the ribbon.
Hmmm. The ribbon path is correct, and by your description, the mechanics of the machine in good working order. Is the new ribbon any darker at all than the one you replaced? I'm starting to wonder about the new ribbon, or, maybe the Corsair just doesn't generate a lot of type bar velocity. I dug one out and to see what its type quality is like and got fairly dark type out of it.
Okay, here's one last idea: Is the ribbon moving while you type? Leave the ribbon cover off and type a few lines while watching the spools. If they aren't turning as you type - consistently - then that's your problem.
Offline least I did the ribbon correctly. ;) I got the manual online yday and began reviewing all the levers and functions etc. The ONLY thing I hadn't tried was the ribbon reverse lever. Anywho, I brought the typewriter to work with me today to let my coworker look at it and she flipped that lever and began typing and everything worked wonderfully!! I'm surprised that's all it was....but then again I don't completely understand the whole ribbon reverse thing yet. I have a lot to learn.
Thank you tremendously for your help on this!! I will, no doubt, be back at some point with other questions.
So the problem was that the ribbon wasn't moving. Normally the ribbon will reverse on its own, but some auto-reverse systems don't work that well, or require a rivet in the end of the ribbon to trip it (some people just tie a small knot in the end.
Seems that way. I'm not totally sure how much the spools are suppose to spin while typing, but mine weren't moving much (which is what you asked). I noticed when I respooled the ribbon that the new ribbon had a little rivet close to the end.....I wondered what that was.
I typed with it a bit last night. Works pretty well. I still feel like it should be darker but that's probably all in machine chosen and ribbon chosen.
The spools won't turn very much during each keystroke, just enough to move the ribbon slightly, but the main thing is that they do move. It's not an uncommon problem with typewriters that they don't, which results in faded type and eventually a hole being punched right through the ribbon.