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10-12-2014 11:16:30  #11

Re: Olympia SF backlash

JanetLand wrote:

I couldn't concentrate typing on a machine like that.

It would make me pull out the blender and start pouring margaritas. Nice colour if you're working in the Caribbean - or Key West - but a little loud for a classic study with wood paneling. 

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

10-12-2014 19:07:13  #12

Re: Olympia SF backlash

Looks like I'll have to do it the hard way, obtain more typewriters and see for myself.  And the Royal's colour, I'm pretty sure nobody around me could concentrate themselves with that flashy machine. And to think, they had that colour available back in the 30's. Must've been quite a shocker then. 

A high schooler with a lot of typewriters. That's pretty much about it.
     Thread Starter

10-12-2014 23:41:13  #13

Re: Olympia SF backlash

ztyper wrote:

Looks like I'll have to do it the hard way, obtain more typewriters and see for myself.

I'd call that the fun way.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

19-3-2015 08:16:03  #14

Re: Olympia SF backlash

I've just seen this thread - somehow I have managed to acquire three Splendids - two 33s and a Danish 66 - and they are all really nice, and nice to type on. But what is really noticeable is that there is one of them - one of the 33s - that I just LOVE - it seems to come to life and work with me in a way the other two just don't - it's like, three perfectly nice people but one of them you know is a friend. It would e hard to shake a stick at what the difference is, just that one of them 'feels like me'. And that is how subjective one of those typewriter reviews may be!

As for the Olivettis, I have a perfectly serviceable 32 that I got for more than I normally pay, just out of curiosity. I'll happily sell it. And I have an ever-so-slightly stiff little 22 that, for some reason I once again can't define, I like typing on. Its keys are small but I miss them less than the 32's keys, and we just seem to get on better. 


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