I thought I would ask this question since someone just gave me another tarantula. I have had spiders for almost thirty years now. I have always been fascinated by them. I have had over the course of many years snakes, scorpions and lizards. I love my rattlesnakes the most. I had a Cobra that was slamming hot BUT they are not for the novice person. I really loved my southern Copperhead as well. They are beautiful. I will eventually have a spider display next to my desk eventually but not soon enough. I have the design in my head so all I have to do is build it. I think I am going to get in touch with a local lathe guy who makes wooden cups and ask him to make me some spindles and possibly help me build a desk. I would then build the shelf around that.
So what are you guys into?
You keep those damn spiders away from me! One look and I'll be chasing that thing with a shotgun, a zippo-lighter and a can of hairspray!
Woodworking is an admirable hobby. If your desk is ever built, I'd love to see it.
I think we all would.
My hobbies include flea-market hunting, collecting and repairing fountain pens, tinkering with vintage things (sewing-machines so far), writing and blogging (my blog is in my signature).
To a lesser extent, I like cooking. I don't know so much that it's a HOBBY...I don't go out of my way to do it...but I do enjoy it when I have to cook.
But my main hobby is without a doubt: Writing. Pens. Typewriters. Desks. Writing equipment. I love all that stuff. Because it's all linked to my main hobby, and the main hobby that I've had since I was six years old.
I couldn't cope with spiders, but I used to keep amphibians and reptiles once. I sometimes think a fish tank might be nice...
Apart from typewriters (which is a new thing for me) I have various small collections of things that I add to on occasion (Mah Jong sets, compasses, antique books etc). I also recently started archery (recurve).
They all sound very interesting, Steve. I love mahjong. I haven't played it in years, but I do love it. We've got a couple of sets at home. Nothing antique, though.
Hello All,
I have many interests, mainly to do with old technologies. I repair and restore old televisions (my earliest is a Pye D16T - 1946), old radios (i prefer 1930's sets), Sewing machines (i have a Singer fiddlebase), i also have a British GEC 4070 Minicomputer that was rescued from Certain death that i have been working on for some years and a few other vintage computers (i work with modern computers - networking stuff).
I have an interest in old cameras. I Also have an interest in old books and historical documents.
Basically i'm what's known as a bit of a Nutter !! (but an interesting one i hope!)
Well apart from fiddling about with anything old and mechanical, I have a somewhat unhealthy interest in anything Cold War related. I studied it at university and my dad flew in the Berlin Airlift, but suspect that my interest comes from growing up in an area surrounded by plenty of USAF bases in Sufffolk.
All the best
Bassoonbloke wrote:
I repair and restore old televisions (my earliest is a Pye D16T - 1946), old radios (i prefer 1930's sets),
I've just picked up an old tube radio that has a bakelite case. It works, but it's filthy and want to clean it before selling the thing. What do you suggest for cleaning bakelite. I've read that metal polish works well and have tried it; it seems to do an alright job but maybe there's something better? Along those lines I also have an old phone with a plastic case that I'd like to restore by buffing out all of the numerous scratches it has. Used metal polish on it as well, which has actually given it a nice shine, but the scratches are still there so I think I need something more aggressive.
I love collecting anything related to writing, desks, offices and studies.
This is my latest piece:
This beast is a fully-functional twin-dial combination-lock strongbox from the 1930s. Made in Japan. It's also alarm-activated. If anyone tries to steal it - the alarm goes off.
I cooking for a living, went to culinary school for 2 years. My biggest thing aside from that is writing. Been using fountain pens and just started getting into typewriter.
I would have to say that my main hobby is photography. I am very interested in analog photography and do a lot of black and white darkroom work. It is lots of fun! I am also into other vintage things- fountain pens, and clocks among others.