The "extra spaces" are most likely being caused by a dirty escapement. A thorough cleaning of the escapement followed by a light oiling will often solve the problem.
Uwe wrote:
The "extra spaces" are most likely being caused by a dirty escapement. A thorough cleaning of the escapement followed by a light oiling will often solve the problem.
Thank you. I don't yet have the tools and oil for that yet. I shall seek them out. Do you happen to have any resources or visual guides to cleaning typewriters?
Troubleshooting used to begin with..."Have you tried turning it off and on again?" These are far different beasts.
ztyper wrote:
Ooooh... Vogue typeface... I'm a complete sucker for typefaces, and I would love to add the Vogue typeface to my collection. I'm hoping to find one in the back of a thrift shop or flea market that no one knows about. That'd be a nice tale to tell.
And please share your findings about the sounds of the typewriters. Try the Quiet DeLuxe vs. the Aristocrat, like you said, the Aristocrat was a more budget-friendly QDL. It's Royal's 2nd best portable model, and there's not much different about it.
If you're going to do sounds, I'd also recommend trying the touch, how each typewriter feels under your fingers, to see which one is your favourite. Everyone has a machine they love the feel of, and it will be your most used one once you find it. (I tested a Royal QDL against my Royal Arrow. The Arrow is Royal's budget typewriter, lacking a tabulator, paper guide, and two-way paper bail. I prefer the touch of the Arrow much more, so the QDL is currently my brother's).
I am working on sound samples today and uploading a quick video. I will post again in just a bit.
As far as typewriter feel, the Olivetti is my favorite out of the bunch. The Royal Quiet DeLuxe has these wonderful glass tombstone keys, which my fingers readily find, easier than the round glass keys of the Royal Aristocrat. The Quiet De Luxe has a more solid feel than the older Aristocrat, but both I would describe as buttery and lovely to type on. I find my forearm extensors fatigue easier with either of of the Royals with their longer finger throw. I can type all day on the Olivetti and feel great. I truly love that machine and the connection to the words I feel when typing.
Last edited by hamidlmt (21-4-2015 16:35:33)
Here are sound samples from the Olivetti Underwood Lettera 32, Royal Aristocrat and Royal Quiet De Luxe.
I have never had the pleasure of using an Olivetti yet, though I will one day.
And your Aristocrat sounds exactly the same as my Arrow! And your QDL too. I actually had a hard time listening for the difference in soun between the two.
ztyper wrote:
I have never had the pleasure of using an Olivetti yet, though I will one day.
And your Aristocrat sounds exactly the same as my Arrow! And your QDL too. I actually had a hard time listening for the difference in soun between the two.
Gotta listen to the subtle differences from a sound engineer's point of view. The Quiet De Luxe definetely has a more muted report. When I get some time, perhaps I'll make another clip going back and forth between the two Royals in shorter bursts.
The Olivetti is my favorite out of the lot. It tears up the pages and the action is very swift. Plus, my body feels better when typing on it with it's shorter throw. I am quite curious to try out an older Lettera 22 one day.