Top on my list of still-to-get typers is one with a Fraktur typeface, which some might describe as either being Blackletter or even Gothic.
I'm looking for a fully functional and complete machine as I intend to use it to transcribe some old documents that I have. It doesn't matter to me who manufactured it; my only concern is having at typewriter with that specific type.
That's a fantastic typeface. I had no idea it existed.
I want one too! Let's all go to Germany.
Hey !
I don't know if your search is still actual, but I have had a look on ebay Germany, and for "Fraktur Schreibmaschine" there is no item - but if you speak German, I guess you would have already searched.
However, I found something under that page
An Erika from Naumann, with the mention in the description that "Briefe schreiben mit altdeutscher Schrift" , basically "write letters with the old german alphabet".
I do not know if all the typewriters of this very modell are writing in Fraktur. Nothing let it see on the keyboard anyway (which is modern alphabet), but in case, you can also search the words "altdeutscher Schrift"...
Still, actually that's not a so good idea to write casual letters in that font : nobody under 70 (at least) will be able to read it fluently (a part some historians)
Last edited by iMe (07-3-2014 14:21:23)
I definitely keep an eye on eBay Germany too, and although I have seen the odd machine come up there, I just couldn't bring myself to spend over $500 for a typewriter just because of its typeface. I think my limit would be $250, so maybe I'll never own one, which is a shame.
I don't know why the person in that Erika auction wrote altdeutscher Schrift, because the typewriter is definitely not a Fraktur machine.
My mother can read Fraktur, but she's 89. I don't find it that difficult to read, which is just one of the reasons that I'm so desperate for a typewriter that has it. A LOT more difficult than Fraktur for me is Sütterlin. I have been practising writing using Sütterlin with a fountain pen - that's the only type of pen that I use to write with anyway - and it's been really frustrating so far!
I think it would be very rare to find a machine in North America with this typeface. I do have a typewriter repair friend in Switzerland and he possibly could help you in your quest. The shipping back to Canada might be expensive though. Contact me off list if you want his contact information.
I've actually bought several typewriters from European sellers, so the shipping cost isn't really that bad, usually around $40 to $50. The only reason that I've stopped buying machines that require shipping - from anywhere - is that I received several in a row that were badly damaged because they were properly packaged. I fully expected that a Fraktur typeface typer would have to come from Europe, or another collector who was thining their collection.
Thanks for the offer; I'll send you a PM with my contact info in case your friend comes across one.
You might also be interested in contacting the German typwriters reparators that you found for me on another topic : I got the feeling that they were also possibly selling typewriters... and you might difficultly found more specilised
By the way, I had a look to the canadian dollar price with the Euro, and I got why you spoke about 200 dollars :-).
In any cases, I think that this Erika was way to expansive.
I don't know how it is in and .us, but the german ebay is (really) plenty of (old) typewriters (anf that make a big difference with the french ebay, were there is a way less). And the more there is... ;-)
My friend says he normally doesn't deal in older machines, but he did recommend a German typewriter collector's group that might produce some leads.
Here is the site:
Many thanks Clark, I'll check it out.