Looking to buy one of the large beveled glass windows for my ROYAL No. 10. The piece is
3.518 x 2.590-inches (3 1/2 x 2 9/16-inches) in size and its corners are rounded.
Thank you!
There is a set of glass inserts available on eBay right now for a reasonable price:
Still looking.
The glass inserts on eBay weren't right?
No Uwe...I think they would have indeed been right and I communicated with the seller and
kept an eye on the auction for several days. Then I got detained at work and didn't get home until after the auction ended.
I should have jumped in there earlier with some sort of bid but I am sure the slam-dunkers would
have found my max anyway, which is why I was a huge eBay user in 2000 and in the last 5 years
have bid on only two items. It's all so different now and I really prefer dealing with good folks one-on-one..
Oh well.
The search continues...
Oh, that is a shame. Those had been resisted several times. I posted them a while back for someone else who was looking for the same thing. Hopefully some more will show up.
Thank you for your condolences, Spazmelda. I'm a brand new member and the warm cordiality
that exists here is such a breath of fresh air compared to another specialty blog to which I belong.
I believe folks passionate about typewriters are a pretty classy bunch.
I only need one of the four panels the seller was selling so hopefully whoever won them needed
all four and that would make his need greater than mine; so I guess in that case it would be
all for the best. But, I was kicking myself. I walked in the door about 12 minutes after that auction ended.
I've been doing some research and am considering trying to cut and bevel a piece of leaded
glass myself. It might not work but there's been a lot of stuff I have never done before that I was
delighted to discover, "Hey...I can do this!" So it's worth a try.
Thanks again for your kind comment.
Last edited by QUICKBROWNFOX (28-5-2015 22:31:18)
May I make a suggestion ? Rather than try to cut and bevel a piece of glass, see if you can obtain an off-cut of perspex (clear acrylic sheet) from a sign-maker. You can cut this with a fine-toothed hacksaw, file the bevels, then polish with increasingly finer grades of emery cloth - finishing with metal polish. Alternatively, a good glass merchant might be able to make the panel you want, using the one from the other side as a pattern. It might not be as expensive as you think. Worth asking for a quote !
You can get a peice custom made. Maybe if you could take out the other peice of glass and bring it to get remade...