So my new Lettera 32 objected to being polished, and got all funny about taking her clothes off for an inside clean. Can anyone give me any pointers as to how the heck you get a Lettera 32 to undress?
I was going to leave off doing this for a while, as I just wanted to type on her, but she has suddenly developed an escapement problem whereby the carriage zooms to the left unless a key is depressed, or the spacebar. After that it types fine, until you need to return the carriage. So I have this annoying new manoevre to make on each new line.
Just when it was going so swell!
edit: got the shell off with some jiggling, but the base is mystifying. No obvious screws, only two bolts on the back end of the base that seem to say, 'out of bounds, punk, go and play with your Meccano set instead.'
Last edited by malole (09-6-2015 11:04:14)
So you've removed the case but now it's the bottom plate that's giving you trouble? It simply pulls off of the two posts that are mounted to the back of the frame. The bottom plate uses a rubber, friction-fit grommet to holds it onto each post. If you can't just pull the plate off with your hand, try using a flat screwdriver to get under the entire grommet and gently pry it off the post.
Aha aho! Thanks, Uwe. I thought there might have been a weird secret typewriter mechanic's tool to deal with those posts!
LOL! Instead, there's the benefit of having something on a typewriter that's as easy to remove for maintenance as a ribbon cover!
Strange. As soon as I pulled off that bottom piece, the escapement problem went away. Nothing fell out, and I didn't hear anything 'happen'. Ok. Now for a nice clean!
Most likely a coincidence, or a momentary reprieve. A good cleaning is still in order, especially since you went through the effort of removing the case from the machine.