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I started to type a letter on my Royal FP today, but had to switch after a few paragraphs because of the annoying sound that the key slugs made when hitting the platen. It was a metallic sound, not a normal typewriter-y sound. I wasn't sure if this meant my platen was going bad.
Also, I think I need to clean the key slugs as many of the letters (on the same machine) fill in (a, e, o & others) and the type looks bad.
That happens with my older typewriters too.I dont know why...
If you haven't used the typewriter in a while it could be that you're just used to the sound of a different machine. However, start by cleaning all of the slugs (a solid lump will make more of thwacking sound than a typeface that has a sharp edge). You can also try loading two pages to see if that effects the sound at all. I doubt your platen suddenly went off between the last time you used it and now.
I have a Hermes 2000 that does this. It is so loud and annoying that you can't use it without foam ear-protectors. The typeslugs are clean, so I don't think that's the cause. I had assumed that the platen was too hard, but have not investigated further.
Let's hope someone has the answer...
I was using two sheets of paper. How do I clean the slugs?
colrehogan wrote:
I was using two sheets of paper. How do I clean the slugs?
Try one sheet. Try three. I'm just curious if anything effects what you're hearing. There are myriad methods for cleaning slugs. I use wood toothpick, the ones with sharp points, and pick out the big pieces of ribbon,ink, and dirt from each typeface first. I then use cotton swabs soaked in a cleaning product like mineral spirits to clean the slug so it looks new. NEVER use anything metal to clean the slug. Some use hard bristle brushes - an old toothbrush would work to scrub the slugs, but I don't like how they fling the ink everywhere inside the machine. I would only clean a few of the slugs at first that you know are making the sound, and then see if the sound is still there after.
I looked at the slugs closely this morning and they were a mess! No wonder the letters were full of ink. I tried some toothpics to dig some stuff out and did, but took an old dry toothbrush to a couple of them and just looking at them they look a lot better! How often should the slugs be cleaned?
Once you have got all the old dried ink out, it should be easier to clean them when you feel they need it. I sometimes use a thumb-sized piece of blu-tack to clean slugs of newer ink build-up. It will depend on how much you type on the machine as to how often the slugs will need cleaning, and I suppose it's like me and my fridge. I clean it when it looks like it needs it. :/
colrehogan wrote:
How often should the slugs be cleaned?
I clean them whenever the type quality visually begins to degrade. I thoroughly clean all of them once, when I first get a machine, and then it's just a matter of maintenance, cleaning only those that need it because not every letter is used with equal frequency. I almost always have a toothpick sitting on my desk for that purpose.
More important, did the the sound change at all???
I didn't try typing on it yet. Will try to do that tomorrow.
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