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Okay so this lovely green 1957 Silent-Super I bought last week. It worked a treat for about three pages. A glorious typer, and I thought all I needed to do was rejuvenate the ribbon and I'd be away. Then it started skipping a little. Just once in a while. Not too bad, I thought, certainly not as bad as a Lettera.
Then the skips got more frequent, and then they got bigger.
Then it stopped.
It was stop-start for a bit, and I gave the rails, the escapement, the rack, all a really good clean and a drop of sewing machine oil, and tried again. It worked again! I thought okay, phew... then it skipped. and skipped. And skipped. and stopped.
And now it will only type two characters - ie, one before you use the escapement, and one after. It will usually go once.
Here is a video I found, of the escapement on a Silent-Super working fine. And now here is how mine looks when it won't move. You can see that little round knob is in the position it goes into to trip the mechanism - and the spring is in place, but it doesn't bounce back to the 'start' position. It will move freely if I jog it with my finger, but it doesn't feel under tension, and even feels a little as if the edge of it - thefoot of the little piece - is sticking on something.
The carriage moves freely and smoothly with the carriage release or return - and I've found that this also returns that little piece to its start position and you can sometimes get it to type again. But only for a bit, and then it stops completely. Yesterday I got that half a page that got my hopes up, today I got about a short paragraph.
So, as always, HELP! I just got this machine, a sentimental indulgence I couldn't really afford, and now this. It's not even worth selling it on till I can get it working. Given that I can SEE the ipece that isn;t working, it MUST be possible to fix it.
Here is its plaintive cry:
I think I know the problem. SInce you can only type for a few characters, then it stops, it seems like theres something wedges in side of one of the escapment gears. If the carriage moves free wih the return, then that means that its the escapment, because the escapment gear does not move when you press on the lever to freely move it.
Oh wait, just read about the part with the spring. Does the spring have tension? If it does, that that means the little arm thing attached is getting gunked up with something, and you should try degreasing it first, THEN oiling. If it does not have tension, you may have to tighten or wind the springs end to where its attached.
EDIT I can even see a bit of dust coming out of the joint with the big screw to the left. If thats what your talking about.
Last edited by TypewriterGuy (29-6-2015 16:26:15)
Ok, if it started to work after you cleaned it, I'd try cleaning it again, and putting a drop of oil on the part that makes the hinge with the bolt right above the spring. I've had sticking problems with parts like that, and it surely can't do any harm to clean it again? The spring looks ok, but can you compare it to the same kind of spring on one of your other machines? Even, dare I suggest, swap them over if you get no joy? Just to see if the spring is the culprit? Don't sue me if it all pings off out of place tho :o
[Edit] simultaneous suggestions... and I would be encouraged that it will sometimes work, it's not completely konked.
Last edited by malole (29-6-2015 16:33:58)
Sometimes, oil, when combined with dirt that you missed will make the part worse! So if you have any strong degreasing things, USE THEM! (Just DO NOT get it on the paint!)
Hi, oay well first: It didn't STARt working wwhen I cleaned it. It was working already, but gradually started skipping, and then skipping more spaces, and then stopping, and then stoppping mostly altogether.
I've cleaned it and cleaned it and oiled it and cleaned it and nothing seems to be making any difference. It will sometimes go for up to a few lines - well, that WAS happening, now it seems not to want to do more than half a line ever. The normal is 2 letters but that has started to be one letter.
After reading these comments last night I gave it another good go - but of course without dismantling it, which I am loath to do without being told whether I'm wrecking the machine, I can't get BEHIND this mechanism. All I know is that the bits I can REACH are fine. I soaked it in penetrating oil last night and cleaned it again this morning - still no joy.
Something is sticking - scraping a tiny bit (it's all tiny of course) and sticking. It doesn't feel like gunged-upl oily sticking, it feels like metal on metal. Like it could be where that nut is? I'm not sure. Maybe it could be easily fixed from the other side.
I have seen in several accounts that this is not an uncommon problem on these typewriters - and otherwise why would that fellow have posted a video of one working fine? - so I thought someone might have some experience or information...
Well since its gettingworse, its obiosly something to do with escapment. Vaccuum?
My Sterling has the same mechanism. Do any of yours have the same? I have tried to see where the problem might be happening, and I can only think that taking the shell off is the next step in trying to really clean that meachinsm and see in better from another angle.
I know that sounds a bit hairy, there are lots of screws. I think you can get the lower back panel off by itself. There are two screws on the top of that part, under the carriage, and two right underneath. That should allow you to see what's going on better without having to take everything off.
I took the lower back panel off my Sterling. It gives you more access, and more views of what's going on. I took the screws out from underneath first. Blurry not very good photo but you get the idea!
Wow, malole, thanks for doing that! I won't have any time tomorrow but possibly on Thursday I can have a go - mad week this week and then off for a week next week with no internet...it's a shame because next week I'm taking a few typewriters to do writing workshops with kids, and had hoped to use this one, but there just isn;t time to sort it now... I'll keep you posted. And in the meantime, as always, ideas gratefully received from anyone who has had this experience!
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