Ah so you mean i should use The exclamation point as a questionmark?
No, heres a link that may help you a little/
Omg yes i know the difference between the two >.< , but I mean there is no way (as far as i know) to type '?' on my machine, that was why i wondered if it was a combination like the exclamation point (where i would type"dot Backspace apostrophe")
OOOOHHHHH okkaaayyyyy sorry about that I was confused... lol
Sorry bout that
Let me look up your machine quick
Haha don't worry ~ yes thank you very much :3
Also my machine has The swedish keyboard, so it is like the american just with added åäö
Karolina, just to be clear, do you have the original ribbon spools and it's just the nuts that are missing?
As for the missing question mark, it is strange not to have one, but there are specialty keyboards that didn't include certain punctuation marks as part of their typeset. Could you possible post a photo of your keyboard? There are instructions for doing this in the FAQ thread. Also, did you buy the machine locally, or was it shipped to you from another country? Where the typewriter was originally sold would possibly help to answer your question.
EDIT: I see that we posted at the same time. So your typewriter was an export model fitted with a Swedish typeset. Are there any other special keys with unusual characters on them?
Last edited by Uwe (30-6-2015 17:27:09)
Yes The machine is complete and in near mint condition it is only The nuts missing, it was probably sold in sweden, and according to its serial its from 1910, i will try to post pic
Sorry again about that
Oh, wow! A swedish keyboard! Cool..
They probably took out the question mark and replaced it with something else..
Last edited by TypewriterGuy (30-6-2015 17:31:42)