This has been a problem for awhile, but I've finally decided to fix it.
The ribbon reverse on my Underwood noiseless only goes one way and that's to the left. When I push the button to the right, it just switches back to the left when I type. I've tried holding it down and typing, but there is some serious resistance, almost like something is blocking it. Is this a problem for anyone else and is there a way to fix it?
Is this a standard or a portable?
I ask because Battleship Bertha did the same thing, it's not a noiseless and I have no idea if the ribbon ever we mechanism is similar at all.
Last edited by Spazmelda (07-7-2015 20:41:52)
It's a portable
Ah, well. I suppose it's an entirely different mechanism then. Mine was missing a spring that holds the mechanism in position so it doesn't slip out gear. Once I replaced the spring it stayed switched. I hope you can figure it out!
No Spaz, its similar. ZTyper, try shining a flashlight into the machine when typing, and see if anything is bumping into the lever causeing it to switch. That happened with my Smith Corona SKywriter.
I tried that and I couldn't see anything. And my other Noiseless has the same problem too, only reversed.
Is the ribbon at the end of the line and the ribbon has a metal hole in it which is activation auto reverse?
TypewriterGuy wrote:
No Spaz, its similar.
In what way?
The Underwood Noiseless being discussed here (I assume it's actually an Underwood Noiseless 77) was a Remington model. The typewriter Spazmelda mentioned, an SX-150 standard, is an Underwood design. The two machines have completely different ribbon transport systems.
@ztyper: did you verify that both spools are proper Remington spools? The ribbon should be wrapped around a metal ring that makes up the inside of the spool. Take a photo if you're not sure.
TypewriterGuy wrote:
Is the ribbon at the end of the line and the ribbon has a metal hole in it which is activation auto reverse?
Wrong mechanism. A ribbon grommet is not used on this model to reverse the ribbon direction.
I wonder if this would have anything useful.
It doesn't mention noiseless typewriters, but they are Remington portables. Would the ribbon reverse mechanism be similar in those?