I know nothing about typewriters. Bear with me while try to explain my problem. Thanks if you're reading this and hope to help.
I have come into a FACIT TP2 typewriter. Typing does not move the part that holds the paper (the platen, the carriage?) I have poked around it, pushing buttons, moving levers, flipping switches etc., trying to understand it's functions. From what I can tell it is in perfect condition, it feels brand new. But what I can tell about typewriters is not worth a lot.
Having removed the bottom plate and looking around the inside while tapping different keys etc. I think I know what is wrong (maybe kinda). There is this pointy gear in the middle (pictured) that I think is responsible for moving the carriage down its rails when you type. Typing a key lifts a lock that I think should allow the gear to spin. Moreover hitting the backspace pushes an arm that moves the pointy gear in the opposite direction. Thing is, the gear is jammed shut, not moving. I was able to turn the gear a little by pushing the backspace key with much force, but turned the gear only moved a few millimetres.
Google has not helped me much. If any of you can help, or know where I can look for help that would be much appreciated.
Everything works, except for the typewriter.
Last edited by Edwardtypewriter (24-5-2013 23:09:22)
Did you release the carriage lock? It's located to the left of the #1 key. I have a Facit TP1 and find that they are superb machines; you were very fortunate to have ended up with one.
The PLATEN is the rubber cylinder.
The CARRIAGE is the thing that runs back and forth as you type.
I would check to see if the carriage-lock, or the margin-stops, are engaged. That usually stops the carriage from moving.
Uwe wrote:
Did you release the carriage lock? It's located to the left of the #1 key. I have a Facit TP1 and find that they are superb machines; you were very fortunate to have ended up with one.
This is not the problem. The way I see it eaith the pictured gear is jammed or locked by some mechanism.
Edwardtypewriter wrote:
This is not the problem. The way I see it eaith the pictured gear is jammed or locked by some mechanism.
Then it is possible that the escapement is seized (what you call the "pointy gear"). I bought a typewriter recently with a seized escapement, which required my removing it from the machine, cleaning its bearings, and properly oiling it in order to restore its functionality. I haven't had my Facit apart yet, so I can't advise how accessible that bearing is without taking the escapement apart, but you could try to de-grease it while it's still in the machine. If it was my typewriter I'd disassemble the mechanism and do a proper job. Whatever you do, don't force anything; you'll find that sourcing parts for your Facit is more of a nightmare than taking your time to repair it. Good luck!
It looks like geting to the escapement is pretty difficult, that a lot of other parts need to come out before you get to it. Could you tell me how to de-grease it?
Another non-expert chiming in here, and I've never had a Facit machine either, but the problems does scream carriage lock to me too, so it could be worth tracing the path of the c-lock linkage all the way from the button to the operating point, to see if something has come adrift or if there is something fouled.
The escapement does not power the travel, but releases the carriage a little at a time with each keystroke. The power comes from the drawband, which is a string attached to the carriage from a spring drum - which may be that white wheel to the right of the escapemenet in your picture - though I cannot see a drawband coming out of it.
I heartly agree with not forcing anything! Also try holding the machine upside-down and shaking it, in case something is lodged in the carriage track - and operate the shift key as you do it. Good luck finding the problem!
I fixed the same problem by soaking the gear in gas. Removing the part in question is relatively easy.
1. Turn the typewriter upside down, remove the spring that's visible from the hole.
2. Turn the typewriter back up, move carriage to the left and unscrew two outer screws from a set of three. Move carriage to the right and repeat.
3. Lift the carriage off, turn it upside down and unscrew the plate where the gear is (four screws). The gear didn't separate from the plate in my case, I suspect it'll be the same for you too.
I don't know if my soaking trick is the best there is, but it was easiest for me and worked just fine. After the part had been in gas for some time I still had to slowly rotate the gear back and forth before it eventually loosened fully.
Last edited by tatte (06-7-2013 10:58:31)
OK, I committed the cardinal sin of taking the escapement off my Facit TP2 without taking pictures first, Does anyone have a picture of one that is one piece? EDIT: Never you mind (but thanks). I puzzled it out. Score one more fully functional typewriter.
Last edited by RWWGreene (26-9-2014 10:44:33)