Hi again,
This is going to sound pretty amateur, and it probably is. While cleaning the KMG I recently bought, I popped off the left-hand side plate. I pressed on it from the inside of the machine, and It came out easily enough, but I haven't been able to get it to snap back on.
The metal prongs on the inside of the plate appear to just hold the plate in place, but they won't budge now that I'm trying to push the plate back on. I haven't been able to find any directions on the internet, either. Anyone had similar issues with this machine or the KMM?
As always, thanks. Let me know if you need pictures.
Difficult to explain without a picture, but have you tried angling it back on? In other words, instead of trying to push the plate back in flush to the machine, hook one set of cover prongs behind the case and then pop the other end on. I don't have a KMG in front of me at the moment to verify all of this, but if you look at the cover's prongs carefully you might see that one end has slightly different prongs than the other and that one set is more flexible than the other, which is why you need to employ the above method.
Yup, I tried angling it and hooking the bottom set of prongs, which is different from the top, around the edges first. That didn't really work, so I tried sliding the right side in before the left, also with no luck.
It looks like the lower set of prongs were intended to give a bit as you apply pressure and then snap around the edge of the frame, but I'm thinking over time the metal may have become less pliable. I was hoping I was just doing it incorrectly, though. I'll post some pictures to give you a better idea.
I'll have a look at a KMG. The metal should not have changed, and although they can be a little bit of a pain to get back on at times, I've never had an issue replacing a side cover.
Okay, so here is the side of the machine. Pretty straightforward. It looks like the two notches on the bottom edge should fit under the two bottom prongs on the side plate. My guess is that the two prongs bend a little as you snap it on and then clip over the notches.
Now here are two angles of the side plate. I'm pretty sure I have it rightside up, though I'm not positive and I've tried both ways anyway. The way that seems most logical to me is to fit the top prongs under the top edge of the machine first, then try to push the bottom so that the lips of the bottom prongs snap over the notches in the machine. The plate popped out so easily, I figured it would pop in rather easily too. Let me know if you have any other ideas. Thanks!
Okay, I think I got it. Instead of trying to just push the bottom prongs straight over the notches, I wedged a screwdriver between the prong and the notch, then pushed, and it slid up the head of the screwdriver and over the notch. It looks to be in place now, though possibly a little loose.