This machine is beautiful. It had a few issues that were beyond my present typewriter repair capabilities so I made the trip to see a professional. Their is no shame at this point in admitting that I need professional help so I had the machine fixed and adjusted and of course I added a new ribbon.
I am quite pleased to say the least although I still need a replacement paper guide. I hope to some day find one as this machine is a keeper.
Glad you got it fixed. Who/where did you end up taking it to? What did they repair? And what's wrong with the paper guide? It looks to be there and in good shape based on your photo.
We keep a list of reputable repair people in the Resource sub-forum if you feel compelled to add the repair shop to it.
Hi Uwe.
I got it repaired at London Business Machines on Clarke Rd in London.
There was a problem with the drawband. It had become jammed and the carriage was locked in place. Something was causing it to jump off of position. He fixed this and did some adjustments to the tabulator. A cleaning, oiling and a new ribbon. He could not repair the paper support as I need a replacement part. It seems that this will be difficult to come across.
So now a $30. machine cost $110. I'm okay as the typewriter is beautiful and will be used daily and not just sitting on a shelf.
I would appreciate all the help I can get in tracking down the necessary replacement part.
Last edited by theoldman (24-9-2015 23:10:53)
The SM9 is turly a 'keeper'! This is the great workhorse of portable machines. You were quite right to have it repaired and adjusted, IMO, since it will last you a lifetime, and with proper care will be a continuing friend to your successors.
Will keep an eye out for the replacement support - but I think you may have to adapt one from a different junked machine. Patience is all, and one willl turn up somewhere - you have the world to choose from, given that it will be cheap to post.
Thank you beak
Last edited by theoldman (24-9-2015 23:49:47)
Just saying, the drawband issue sounds like someone had taken it off and put it back on in the wrong position, it happened to me once, got jammed.
I just glad to get it up and running. The fine adjustments are also important. I do agree that the standard $75. per hour rate with 1 hour minimum is extremely high and was not expected.
I hit the margin release in order to clean a section of the typewriter. I saw the drawband jump. Something was causing this. Beyond my capabilities at this point to figure it out. I really had no choice but to bring it to someone more capable than myself if I wanted a working typewriter.
Did it hurt. Yes. Am I glad to be using this machine. Yes
Ah, okay. You need a paper rest (sometimes referred to as a paper support), not a paper guide. I'll edit your post in the Buy & Sell to reflect that. Just for reference, this is a paper guide:
Thanks Uwe.
Check this out guys. 100% done. Got my part. Works and looks great.
Last edited by Uwe (18-11-2015 01:26:20)