I mentioned this new blue QDL in the recent acquisitions thread, and I mentioned that the carriage isn't moving with the space bar or letters. Curiously, it does move if I turn the typewriter upside down and the carriage is resting against a towel on the counter. Here is what seems to be going on... I have to post a picture because I don't know what the parts are called.
So the little pawl/dog ?? labled A in red, does not move down like it is in the picture unless I press the backspace key (backspacing works on the machine) OR unless I press the space bar or a letter key and the typewriter is upside down with the carriage resting on the counter/towel.
In the cases where it DOES move, it seems to be pushed by the little metal part labeled with green arrow and B. In the cases where it doesn't move, B does not seem to be pushing it as it should.
Anyone have any ideas? I have cleaned and oiled the parts. The magic margins are set at the appropriate ends of the carriage. I don't see any loose springs. The draw cord is attached and seems to be in good condition.
Last edited by Spazmelda (04-10-2015 08:22:23)
Grr. I feel I am so close with this, but can't figure it out. If I tilt the left side of the machine up by about 30 degrees, the carriage advance works fine. That suggests to me that a spring is missing or something, that would normally pull to the right, but I can't see any missing springs when I compare it to my older QDL.
Spazmelda - were you ever able to unravel the mystery of your QDL? I am trying to fix a friend's 1948 Royal Quiet De Luxe which has a problem similar to yours. Hitting the keys or spacebar doesn't advance the carriage and it feels like I am hitting an engaged line lock. It feels as if there were a mechanical obstruction preventing the escapement from tripping. Carriage release allows the carriage to move freely (and drawband intact).
Last edited by Mech (16-10-2015 16:59:48)
No, I can't figure it out. I'm going to take it with me to the typewriter convention next weekend and see if I can beg or bribe anyone to take a look at it.
Does your friends typewriter do the weird thing where it works when it's tilted? Like I said above, if I tilt it about 30 degrees up on the left side the carriage will go. Sometimes I have to hit the backspace once and then it will space or type all the way to the right margin just fine. Not when it's down flat though. It's not a carriage obstruction thing on mine as far as I can tell. I just don't know. I've spent so much time peering into the escapement and I can see the part that's not moving, but I can't figure out why it just moves when the thing is tilted.
When you say it feels like you are hitting a line lock, do you mean that the keys aren't striking the platen? On mine the keys are striking the platen, even though the carriage isn't moving. So I'm wondering if it's something different.
Last edited by Spazmelda (16-10-2015 18:01:18)
Sounds like a spring is broken or possibly the carriage rails or mainspring have something to do with it. When its sitting upright, can you push the carriage manually one space at a time after pressing keys or spacebar?
Good luck and have fun at the typewriter convention! I wish I lived on that side of the US. If you find answers to your QDL problem at the convention, be sure to post.
I may have a completely different problem since I can't get my QDL to work with tilting. Also: backspace doesn't work on this QDL. I was hoping to find a penny or piece of junk jammed in the works, but no such luck. It really feels like a mechanical obstruction.
Fortunately I have a functional 1938 Royal Aristocrat. It and the QDL have almost identical mechanics. I plan to spend some time this weekend comparing the two machines.
Yes, I've been comparing the blue QDL to my '47 QDL as they seem to identical mechanically.
Typewriterguy- yes, if I push on the right hand side of the carriage it will move after I type a letter or a space. I was thinking it sounded like a spring too, but I can't find a place where a spring would be missing. They all seem to be there when I compare to my other QDL or looking in the Ames Royal portable supplement.
TypewriterGuy wrote:
Sounds like a spring is broken or possibly the carriage rails or mainspring have something to do with it. When its sitting upright, can you push the carriage manually one space at a time after pressing keys or spacebar?
In my case, there may be a broken or detached spring somewhere. I don't think it's the carriage rails since the carriage runs very smoothly with carriage release. And I don't think it's the mainspring since pulling manually to the left with typing doesn't advance the carriage. The keys aren't making it to the platen, just bouncing back as if I were trying to type past the right margin.
That sounds like a frozen margin block. Try locating what is preventing the space bar and keys from moving undernetah the typewriter. This is a problem on my Underwood Master SS, until I started using it. Once you find what the problem is, use degreaser in it or on it.
I fixed the QDL that I was working on. More dumb luck than anything. I compared the functional Royal Aristocrat to the nonfunctional QDL and observed what was happening in the escapement on key strike. What I noticed was that in the QDL, a pawl (?) or dog(?) in the escapement's workings wasn't darting in and out to engage the escapement wheel like it did on the Aristocrat.
I very carefully (but unscientifically) probed with one of my dental tools around the escapement wheel and dog (pawl?) and then *BOING* the little pawl (dog?) bounced into sight. Suddenly the escapement was tripping and the wheel was turning and the typewriter was typing. Dumb luck.
Perhaps the QDL had taken a hard knock and the pawl (dog?) had shifted out of postition - perhaps due to a loose spring. In any case, the QDL is now typing just fine.