Parts » WTB: Olympia SG3 feed roller paper guide » 21-8-2015 22:21:48 |
Hi Nimmo... Did you find a solution to your challenge here yet? I ask, because I too have an SG3 with a missing item, and I found a solution that may work for you too. I saw a website: and spoke to the owner. He mentioned to me how he had several SG3 part machines. So, I asked if he would be interested in selling me a Paper Support, and he said yes. YAY! What a quick solution, and not too expensive either. You might want to try writing him. If you want to no more, feel free to email me directly.
John-Richard (
Parts » WTB: Paper Rest with Pull-Out Scale for Olympia SG3 » 19-8-2015 21:52:24 |
Hello all. I am looking for one part, and I am certainly hoping that you all can help. I have an SG3 without the paper support guide. From looking online it would seem to me that this was the one part to go missing more often then not. Does anyone have a spare from a parts machine they can sell? Thanks.
Portable Typewriters » Understanding Differences Between the FACIT TP1 and TP2 » 11-6-2015 23:45:47 |
Hi all.
I have been reading up on the Facit TP1 and TP2, and I must admit that I find myself quite confused. (Thanks to some of you for your blog postings on this typewriter!) The material shared is very interesting, but my head spins when I read the Typewriter Database, which states that the TP1 and TP2 assignment was most likely for purpose of export, however, the typewriter itself was placed in 3 different series’.
According to the Typewriter Database, the following is true: a.) Series 1 was manufactured from 1958-1960, b.) Series 2 was manufactured from 1960-64, and c.) Series 3 was manufactured from 1965-1968. Once again, these do not coincide with the TP1 and TP2 designations. As I understand it, the only difference between the TP1 and TP2 is in design (rounded versus sharp edges), but what is the difference between series’ and how does this coincide with designation?
I am basically cleaning up a 1963 TP1 (P 314511) and a 1965 TP2 (P 469803), and am trying to understand enough to share with my partner who is the proud owner of these two typewriters, his first ever. Thanks.
P.S. I also note from photos that the earlier TP1 had a medallion, and the later TP1 had the center name plate. However, his TP1 has a name plate AND a medallion? That has only managed to make me ask more questions.
Typewriters - Private Sellers Only » WTB - Olympia SM7 » 27-4-2015 17:13:50 |
That would depend on the quality of the typewriter, and shipping costs. Although I would love to keep stuff at under the 100 dll mark, I am willing to go up to 1 1/2 times that for the right typewriter. I am hurting like everyone, and admittedly, this is a bad time for me to be considering anything, as I am selling several of my own typers to cover medical bills and cost of living. But, I believe in this project, and want to get it off the ground too.
Typewriters - Private Sellers Only » WTB - Olympia SM7 » 27-4-2015 13:19:39 |
Although I finally found one in baby blue, with a very different script from my SM4, I have never been able to find an affordable Pink SM7. I have a book that I want to write. Believe it or not, it is part of setting a very specific environment for the book writing venture. So, the search continues.
Portable Typewriters » Cole-Steel Age List and Documentation » 03-3-2015 12:30:11 |
Hello all. I need your help. I cannot do this alone! Nor would I want to...
I am seeking information from anyone in possession of a Cole Steel/ABC typewriter. I have noted a real lack of gathered information on this make and models, so I figured... "Why not gather it myself?" Here is what I am looking for:
1. The serial number that you have on your Cole-Steel/ABC. Please include model number if present.
2. The year you believe it to have been manufactured. What brought you to this deciding on this year? How do you support your decision?
3. A list (or preferably a copy) of any documents that came with your Cole-Steel/ABC including operation manuals, repair manuals, bill-of-sales, etc.
I know this is a lot to ask, but if I can develop a supported age list for this make, perhaps it will help the next person seeking information and even assist Munk in updating the Typewriter Database.
Thank you for working with me.... John-Richard
P.S. I hope this color was loud and annoying so as to get your attention.
Typewriters - Private Sellers Only » WTB - Olympia SM7 » 09-2-2015 23:16:15 |
Yes... I am now seeking an Olympia SM7 (Pink, if possible) for my collection and personal use. I own a couple of SM3 and SM4 and a nice SM1, but I really love the look of the SM7 and if it is pink, then wow! Only thing is, I do not want script or italic. I want to do some serious writing on it. Thanks.
Portable Typewriters » My (supposedly) last Oly. » 23-11-2014 14:31:19 |
Hi Uwe. I was talking about the SF model, which has two different designs. The original model was sometimes labeled as an Olympia Splendid or Socialite in the US, but the very first of these simply spelled out Olympia. They averaged maybe 9lbs. The later design by Demmel is written about in the OzTypewriter blog. Http:// and is a truly fpat model but believed to be the same line by many.
There really was no shape difference in general between the early SM models, except for the SM1 to the SM2-5. I have often read made up definitions based on the very initials: SF = Style or Small Flat, SM = Style Medium, SG = Style Giant or Large. The initials are German as you know, and I don't speak German, so I assume these are made up interpretations.
Sorry if I confused folks the first time around.
Portable Typewriters » My (supposedly) last Oly. » 23-11-2014 00:21:03 |
Is this the older flat SF or the remodelled angled ones? I have a red beautiful flat SF. I show it in a gallery on, and I will tell you that I love it! It dosent have the same light bounce that I get from the keys of my SM3 or SM4, but what I do get is a model that is small enough to throw into a backpack if I am riding the scooter. It is very portable (light weight) so it is the one I grab to type on the patio, in the bedroom, or at the coffee shop. My larger portables have their places aND don't get moved often.
Parts » WTB: New or Used Feet for Torpedo 18 » 23-11-2014 00:15:16 |
Hi all. I have been trying to locate replacement feet for my Torpedo 18. Two absolutely need replacing, while the other 2 could continue a few more years, but...
Anyway, does any one have an old parts machine they don't miMD footless? Or, might you know of a contact to go to when looking for replacements? Please help, if you are able. Thanks.