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19-5-2016 20:27:58  #1


igotztowrite wrote:

My friend has a son who has been having a hard time in school. Those so-called experts say that he has ADHD. I gifted him a typewriter. He loves it and his mother said his spelling has improved. 

Acquired Drug Habituation Disease - a disorder created by high level drug dealers with the sense to have corporate offices and lobbyists and to medicalize a range of normal behavioral variation as an expensively treatable disease in order to siphon value out of the productive middle sectors of the economy and widen the gap between the poor and the rich into an impassable chasm until the society which makes their rent seeking behavior possible is weakened to the point of extinction. Compare Sociopathy

Institutionalized sociopathy worked for the late Roman Empire, and facilitated the arrival of undocumented Vandal and Goth guest workers. 

"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton".

20-5-2016 10:23:30  #2

Re: Adhd

Now that's a tangent of a different kind. The middleclass is actually growing in most industrialized nations, the exception being the one in which your conspiracy takes place in.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

20-5-2016 16:49:23  #3

Re: Adhd

Oh death, where is thy sting?

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

20-5-2016 17:12:22  #4

Re: Adhd

Uwe wrote:

Now that's a tangent of a different kind. The middleclass is actually growing in most industrialized nations, the exception being the one in which your conspiracy takes place in.

That is promising news for mankind and unpromising for this hotbed of conspiracy theory.

But that was not a conspiracy theory... or was it? The general destruction of economic vitality I'd say is the usual byproduct of confusing the invisible hand with the hand in people's pockets, but the invention of treatable conditions to sell drugs to treat them... that just might be conscious planning. Martin Shkreli - the first hit on Googling the suggestion which pops out as soon as you type "disgraced ph..." - seems likely to have been capable of it.

"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton".
     Thread Starter

20-5-2016 19:57:17  #5

Re: Adhd

I'm actually surprised that people think they feel better after taking placebos. The power of psychology, I suppose.


21-5-2016 06:24:20  #6

Re: Adhd

Persiflage, it's been pretty well established for decades. Neuroscience has come a long way but is still largely a mystery. One thing that is becoming increasingly clear is that the connection between mind and body - that is, the influence of the workings of the mind on the workings of the body - is much more important than Western medicine has given credit to. It's the stuff of folklore, but increasingly is being backed up by studies.

Uwe, I thought that the 'middle class' was shrinking as standards of living decrease due to austerity, and the gap between rich and  poor reaches its highest level since before the Depression. Certainly middle-class earnings have been going steadily down in real terms since the 60s, and employment rights are now being eroded, while the mega-rich - a newish class - are piling it all up in tax havens - of which, I cringe to say, London is one. 

I know this looks perilously like politics, but I'm not the one that brought it up!  

I'll just get back on track quickly by saying that apparently (I haven't read them) studies have shown that use of typewriters in schools improves literacy attainments. I certainly found that last year in my intensive week of writing workshops. The school was quick to see the potential, too. We'll see, soon, whether they followed through... 


21-5-2016 14:36:48  #7

Re: Adhd

KatLondon wrote:

Uwe, I thought that the 'middle class' was shrinking as standards of living decrease due to austerity, and the gap between rich and  poor reaches its highest level since before the Depression. Certainly middle-class earnings have been going steadily down in real terms since the 60s...

I recently watched a program that discussed middle class growth around the world, and the upshot was that the middle class in almost every industrialized nation is growing. There was a segment within the report that discussed middle class income, and it was shown that Canada had surpassed the U.S. for middle class wealth, and that other countries, such as Germany, Norway, and Sweden had increasing income levels too. The only three that I can recall that were mentioned as having shrinking income levels was the U.S., England, and Spain.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

18-6-2016 23:19:09  #8

Re: Adhd

Hi all. I guess what I expect in terms of dialogue is not what is likely to be the reality. I'm happy to have put the typewriter back in my life but I'm sorry for the annoyance.

In parting a brief note from my latest SG-1 

I'm changing my password at random and erasing the copies. Thanks for corresponding.

"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton".
     Thread Starter

19-6-2016 11:29:13  #9

Re: Adhd

Repartee wrote:

Hi all. I guess what I expect in terms of dialogue is not what is likely to be the reality. I'm happy to have put the typewriter back in my life but I'm sorry for the annoyance. In parting a brief note from my latest SG-1 
I'm changing my password at random and erasing the copies. Thanks for corresponding.

The photo link to your brief note is broken, and I'm assuming that it would have explained what your above comments pertained to, because as is this post has gone over my head.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

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