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03-6-2016 20:15:50  #1

Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

Hello Everyone!  This is my first post.  I have a 1932 Royal 10, serial number SX-1535587.  It actually belongs to my brother-in-law who inherited it from his father who was a collector of all things old.  He wants to sell it and I convinced him to let me clean it up a bit.  It had been sitting, uncovered, in a garage (filled with vintage and antique items of all kinds) for a number of years now. Of course I did a lot of online research about this particular typewriter; that's how I found this site.  I determined that I only needed to remove the 2 rear top plates, the bottom plate and the side glass panels in order to access most of it.  I also removed the carriage as the carriage pull strap was not attached on one end (the easiest end to deal with) and I also wanted to have more access to the inside to completely remove any dust, etc.  I am done with all the internal cleaning and with the carriage removed I determined that the pull strap had become caught between the large drum it is attached to and the small gear behind the drum... I was able to set it free.  Now it's time to put the carriage and cover plates back on.  HOWEVER, when I did tackle removing the carriage, the first thing I did was remove the carriage clamps (there were 5 of them) and when I did and then attempted to remove the carriage 2 small ball bearings and 1 piece that resembles a gear fell down from the carriage.  I know how to put everything back that I removed except those bearings and gear.  Can anyone help me in determining how I am to place those back wherever they came from?  I wasn't able to see where they exactly dropped from.  Any help is truly appreciated!


03-6-2016 21:55:40  #2

Re: Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

I believe there should have been a second "piece that resembles a gear," which are the pinions. The ball bearings fit inside the pinions, and there should be two of both. These are what the carriage glides along on the rail. The pinions/bearings need to be positioned in very precise locations.

There was a discussion previously on this forum here:

I am not sure how much the Royal 10 carriage differs from the later Royals, but there are instructions for the removal and replacement of the carriage of the 40's Royal standards in the Ames manual, vol. I, which can be found at the bottom of this page:

I am not sure how much variation there is between the machines, but the info may help.


03-6-2016 22:26:21  #3

Re: Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

Thank you SoucekFan.  Yea, I knew it was pinions, I just couldn't think of the word earlier to save my life ha-ha.  It's time for me to turn in for the night.  I am eager now to tackle this task first thing in the morning.  And thank you for the links!  I'll let you know how it goes..

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04-6-2016 16:26:47  #4

Re: Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

Hello!  I got it all back together and it looks so much better without a mountain of dust on it.  I still need to polish it up.  I have your tips bookmarked; I actually bookmarked it prior to my initial post.  And I really appreciate that second link you provided SoucekFan.  It had a very clear diagram of the bearing/pinion placements.  I did find the second pinion.  
I do have 2 small issues that remain.  The carriage is a bit wobbly and I do plan to spend some time adjusting the clamps, hoping to ensure all the clamp "bases" are just slightly below the track, etc. to correct that.  The carriage wasn't wobbly before I removed it so I'm sure it's my fault now.  Also, once I got in I noticed the pull band was off the drum and hung up between the drum and a gear.  I was able to free it and rewind it onto the drum and then re-attach the other end to the carriage.  The problem I'm having is that when the drum needs to turn to take up the slack it only turns so far and then quits... this is about halfway of the full slide of the carriage.  I'm sure this is how the pull band got hung up in the first place.  I'm thinking perhaps a broken tooth(teeth) on a gear.  I'll check that later on.  But if it might be something else, so please let me know if there might be anything else.  I'm hoping to polish tomorrow.

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04-6-2016 20:10:42  #5

Re: Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

It sounds like the mainspring/drum is losing tension too early and probably needs to be wound more. 


06-6-2016 19:40:09  #6

Re: Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

SoucekFan... you were right.  Once I got that done, then the carriage nor the ribbon would move when typing and the carriage was way wobbly.  I took the carriage off again and carefully put it back on.  It now works.  No wobbly carriage, and I mean no wobble at all.  Everything works on it, including the bell.  I will take pics tomorrow during the day (my home is way too dark once the sun is in the West). It looks AWESOME all cleaned up, a real beauty.  And I am so very proud since I've never attempted to work on a typewriter, any typewriter before.  I'm just an old retired computer programmer (for 31 years).  I never dreamed I would do as fine a job as I did... but it's all thanks to you and the guides and helpful hints you all have out here on this site.  I feel like a SUPER MIMA now ha-ha.

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06-6-2016 23:42:31  #7

Re: Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

That's awesome. I am so happy to hear you were able to get it going. It is such a great feeling when everything finally clicks.


07-6-2016 12:48:58  #9

Re: Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

Instructions for posting images can be found here. You can post links as you did, but it's far nicer to see the image within the post than have to jump back and forth to another website. I embedded your first link as an example.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

07-6-2016 12:52:22  #10

Re: Need Royal 10 SX-1535587 Carriage Help

I thought I was embedding.  Please tell me how you did that?

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