I remember a thread about if you could choose just ONE typewriter, which one would it be? How much one types was considered. I think it would be very interesting to find out just how much we use our typewriters--whatever machine we are in the mood to use at the moment. Me, I average about 7 to 8 double-spaced pages a week now. I used to type a lot more than that when I was in high school and collage, but with the responsibilities of life taking priority, I had to cut back. Most of these pages are love letters to my girlfriend.
So, how much do you type? Do you type just enough to check to see if a typewriter is working properly? Are you the occasional typist who types letters and recipes? How about High School or College research papers and dissertations? Do you type for a business or government office? How about anyone working on a book or novel? If you're doing the last three, you're doing some serious paper-pounding.
Nowhere near enough.
Whenever I find time to do it, and in the end it can be quite a lot some days.
You don't have a choice that fits for me. After I started collecting, I was looking for a reason to use them, so I started pen-palling. I write 2-3 letters a week, usually about 3-4 pages per letter. I also type up other stuff, recipes, lists, and sometimes I just sit down and practice typing from a book.
Pity only six people took part. I wonder if some are using their typewriters for some clandestine purpose they don't want anyone to know about. I always try to use all of mine about once a month or so but then I don't have that many machines to start with. I use a typewriter around four or so times a week, anything from just typing an envelope to writing the odd article.
Don't have a choice that fits me ditto, but more than I did six months ago and as much as possible. Instead of flitting around multiple machines like a mayfly I try to use one machine long enough now to feel I know it at least well enough to know if I could stand a long term relationship, and what kind of work it might be suited for. A side benefit of typing more is that you become more proficient and the process becomes more pleasant and faster! I call this startling insight "practice".
There, I voted. The problem is that I could say that I do both of the items that are showing as having votes. Anyway, I spend a lot of time at work on the computer. Typing (whether it is for pen pal letters or for short stories) happens in the evenings. I have found that I enjoy it too. I have used one or two machines for a while now, but when I switch to a different one, it doesn't take long to get back into that machine's rhythm.
Spazmelda wrote:
You don't have a choice that fits for me. After I started collecting, I was looking for a reason to use them, so I started pen-palling. I write 2-3 letters a week, usually about 3-4 pages per letter. I also type up other stuff, recipes, lists, and sometimes I just sit down and practice typing from a book.
I did a "How Much Do You Type II" because of this very problem. I didn't have enough categories to choose from. And even in my repertoire, there are many more categories--It's just that my pore ol' haid can't think of that many at once. There is also one I just thought of I used for years: Typing just because it makes my fingers feel good.
retro wrote:
Pity only six people took part. I wonder if some are using their typewriters for some clandestine purpose they don't want anyone to know about. I always try to use all of mine about once a month or so but then I don't have that many machines to start with. I use a typewriter around four or so times a week, anything from just typing an envelope to writing the odd article.
There weren't enough categories in this thread, so I did a second thread on this one, and instead left the voting out of it. I also allowed for many more things one could type on a typewriter--clandestine or otherwise. Typing in secret is fun too!
TypewriterKing wrote:
Typing in secret is fun too!
Hard to do so! If I try to do that, people start wondering what´s that damned drilling noise coming from where I am.