Is anyone participating in Camp NaNoWriMo in April? I have signed up for it. I'm still working on the same story I did for NaNoWriMo. Would love to see others join!
Not I, but this is appropriate -- this past Sunday's Peanuts strip:
colrehogan wrote:
Is anyone participating in Camp NaNoWriMo in April?
I tried to do one a couple of years ago and it didn't work out. It's difficult enough as it is to set time aside for the regular NaNoWriMo, so to follow it up a few short months later with a reprise is a bridge too far for me. Good luck though, and keep us posted on how you're making out. What's your weapon of choice going to be?
Love the comic! So, what kind of typewriter is Snoopy using?
As for me, I haven't decided yet. When I'm elsewhere, possibly the new Royal Futura 800. I need to see about getting a case for it. When I'm at home, ??? I haven't decided yet.
I'm just working on the same story that I did during NaNo. I didn't set a particularly high word count. I'll see what I can do.