This is what happened.
I found an old, almost working typewriter at a garage sale and brought her home. I scoured the internet on the best way to restore her and landed here where there are amazing, genius, helpful people who inspired me to get her typing again.
I discovered that the typewriter doesn't mind my dyslexia. It doesn't judge me for my foibles.
I started typing.
I kept on typing.
I finished the first chapter and showed it to some people. They said, "this isn't a chapter, it's a book."
More thing happened and I teamed up with a gifted artist to illustrate the book.
And this is where we are today - a book about to be born.
A huge thank you to everyone here for inspiring me to type.
Congratulations! They say everyone has a book in him/her; this seems like something that you, with your obvious expertise on a specialized topic, were indeed the right person to write.
Just curious -- how long ago did you starting writing it? Sounds like it was a great process for you.
Research for the book started many years ago. I've tried writing the book many times but it wasn't until I used a typewriter that things really took off.
I sat down at the typewriter late last winter with an aim to practice typing. The book just tumbled out. Since then it's been an adventure learning about publishing.