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Hello all, I have been diligently fixing my dearly departed Great Great Uncle Marion's typewriter that was sitting around in my grandmother's garage for some twenty to thirty years. Problems ranged from needing new feet, to a broken drawstring, etc... I have all but fixed it and it works perfectly, except for that the carriage stops halfway through when spacing through a document. I have never come across this bizarre manifestation in a typewriter before. Does anyone have any idea of what may be happening and how to go about fixing it?
*N.B. It happens to work and continue on whenever you lift it up and set it down gently... I will post a video from YouTube with an example within the hour...
So if you follow the link above, you will be able to see what I am talking about... It took a bit longer to get this on considering plans went a bit sidetracked when I was looking for a Typewrite repair manual at the library and found one, but could not check it out...[/url]
Hi Étienne
I realize this is not the exact same model, but on my 1940 Canadian built Under Leader S/N-E1315238, I found that the nut holding the draw band on the right hand end of the carriage was just touching and hanging up on the right hand edge of the main cover. To address this issue, I adjusted the lower carriage stop up just enough to make the nut clear the cover, but not enough to effect the lower case print quality. Then adjust the upper carriage stop to re-align the upper and lower case printing. Hope this gives you something to work with. All the best,
My shoot would aimed to some malfunction in the carriage lock, seen that the carriage stops just when it hits the centre of the machine.In the left corner of the machine on the rails of the carriage a moving part that you can fiddle with, maybe is the spring broken? can you move that part with the finger and make the carriage move past the centre?
I had a Kolibri that did this, and when I adjusted the carriage height so that is was even on both ends and the characters printed evenly in both lower and upper case, the problem went away.
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