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Everything was working fine on the Smith-Corona Sterling I just got until I push the Power Space key (|||||>), then the carriage slammed to the left, and now it doesn't move when I type. If I push it to the right it immediately slides back.
Any help would be appreciated.
Note this exact problem was described here 3 years ago. The only solution offered was to look under the machine, but as far as I can tell the SC Sterling chassis is unmovable.
What is the serial number of your typewriter? This will give us a much better idea of what age of typewriter you have. The escapement is basically the heart of a typewriter and is also the most delicate part, if the escapement has issues, the whole machine reflects those issues.
Thanks Sky.The serial number is 3LMC22447.
The machine didn't have an escapement issue, nor any other issues that I could tell. It's only because I pressed the Power Space key that the problem occurred. I thought this fact should help narrow things down.
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