Hi all.
My wife just bought a (1960 something) Imperial Good Companion to tidy up and use.
It's in pretty good working order, it (obviously - as you'll see from the image) needs a good clean and oil but everything is in fairly good working order.
The one exception is the shift lock. It won't release without jiggling around the shift and shift lock key to release the little latch (shown at #1 on attached image)
Am I right in thinking I'm missing a spring? #2 in the image seems like somewhere a spring should be attached but I'm unsure where the other end would attach as there's nothing apparent on the latch end of things.
Or am I completely on the wrong end of the stick here?
cheers all
DSC_9524_DxO by john Foster, on Flickr
Hi John
Looking at my 1936 Imperial Good Companion, there is indeed a spring hooked between the hook #2 on your picture and the pin under the shift key (just visible on the far right edge of the picture. The coil diameter on mine is 3mm or .130". I can't give you wire gauge or relaxed length without taking the spring off, which I'm not about to do with the machine secured to the base of the carry case. As you are in the UK, Tom the typewriter man may be able to help you with this one. Hope this helps a little bit,
Thanks Sky, I'll get on to Tom now