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I am trying to get the left knob off of my Silent Super so I can remove the platen and am having trouble getting the little plunger tip off by the left knob. The set screws are tight holding it to the knob but the shaft turns when I try to unthread the tip of the little plunger. Any tips on loosening this or holding the shaft better?
Also, is there some nomenclature for these parts I should learn to make things clearer?
No need to remove the left knob on a Silent-Super. Here's what you do:
1, Swing the top carriage back (the one with the paper support) and lift the paper bale.
2, Pull the line finder knob to the out position on the left platen knob.
3, Slide the carriage all the way to the right. (use the M-R key if needed to go past the margin)
4, Look just in front of the right hand end of the platen and you'll see a tiny lever. Push this lever back and lift the right platen knob up and backwards at a 45º angle until the platen will clear the end of the carriage. Now gently pull the platen to the right and it should just lift out.
Hope this points you in the right direction,
Meant to say on #1, Swing the carriage top cover back.
Interesting. I didn't have it all the way to the right when I tried before. When I was lifting the platen out with the carriage centered it felt like something on the left side was holding on to it and assumed it was the left knob.
I did as you said and the platen came right out. Everything is rust-free and pretty clean but the rubber is hard as a rock; another job for J.J.Short.
Any tips on getting the small rollers under the platen out? What about the paper bale rollers? There is one screw on the left side but the bar seems fused. The rollers are round, maybe I just leave them alone.
The paper bail rollers can be washed with something like window cleaner containing ammonia, that will remove a lot of the ink which may make them shiny and slippery. You can treat them with rubber rejuvenator, but you have to get them off the bail because that stuff will mess your paint up. If you want to replace them, you can do so with some automotive fuel hose, sticking them on a dowel in a drill chuck, and sanding them smooth.
As for the paper tray feed rollers, move your carriage all the way to the right.
Set your machine so it is resting with the back/carriage side on a table (not completely upside down.)
Look at the bottom of the carriage about 1- 2 inches inboard from the right of the carriage.
While looking at the bottom of the carriage, take a hand and gently move the paper tray. You should see a screw moving with it.
Unscrew that screw.
Curse a bit because you dropped it either into the carriage or onto the floor.
Retrieve the screw.
Set the typewriter upright and lift the paper tray out. It may have to kind of be worked out since it sits on and in the mechanism which sets tension against the platen.
The feed rollers are just held in with little hooks of aluminum and will easily pop out.
If the paper tray doesn't come out, there may be a corresponding additional screw holding it in to the carriage over on the left side. I've never seen this, but all three of my Super 5 SCs had a hole in the base of the carriage and a tapped spot for a machine screw in the base of the paper tray.
Have fun.
Phil Forrest
I forgot to add: get yourself a can of Kroil and make sure you have good screwdrivers.
Phil Forrest
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