I got 2 sets of toothed v-belts from this on-line outfit :
The motor side belt was : 145 teeth long, 5 mm wide, and a 2.0 mm tooth pitch.
The power-roller side belt was : 153 teeth long, 5 mm wide, and a 2.0 mm tooth pitch.
The old pair of belts were still in pretty good shape, so I was able to take measurements before ordering new belts.
Final comment...
The power-return is not accomplished with a power-return draw-band and clutch mechanism.
Rather there is a gear on the back side of the motor which engages a pinon-gear and shaft up to the carriage rail system. Similar to what Smith-Corona was doing.
These gears on the Olivetti are plastic, too. I cleaned and greased them up with some teflon grease. Old grease was amber-coloured and very wax-like. It quieted down the power-return stroke, for sure.
Congratulations, Pete! With your review and one of my favorite typefaces on the keywords, I think I'll add this to my hunting list (that is, when I give myself permission to start buying again).
This 36 seems like a perfect machine for youngsters as well.
Size of key-tops are small and not too widely spaced apart. And it does not take much finger strength to fire off the type-slugs.
Good point! I'll keep an eye out.
From the latest TypeTown (TypeTown #33: "I tried to find the smallest, lightest typewriter I could." (, it seems it's also good for French philosophers:
[img] ,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/[/img]
Even some thoughtful design and styling went into the configuration of the wall-plug on the end of the power cord.
Very comfortable and easy to use...
Pete, look at the other end of the power cord, too. Note how the power cord is designed to drape to either the right or the left, even though the connector is indexed, (It is not polarized, though.)
Hi Michael,
I looked through the photo galleries of the TWDB and see the type of back-of-machine power connector you mentioned...but also the type that is on my machine.
My type of plug only goes in one way and is made by the FMC company.
Here's what we're referring to, for you folks who are puzzled by all the fuss about a cord: scroll down in the Gallery pics,
I'm snowed in and can't check my other Lettera 36. And I think I remember that the wall end is like Pete's. You can see why we're so excited by Olivetti's cleverness.
Jim, the importer supplying the power cord makes sense, except for the socket; Olivetti wouldn't change that just for the market and if they did, they might as well throw in the cord. Maybe it varied by year or some production requirement, like availability or price. Also, the cord exiting straight out obviates the need for the clever draping, but forgoes the space advantage of the 90-degree plug. Oh, the poor unfortunate completist collectors.