It is plastic, so I don't think polymer clay is the way to go. Does someone know of some good paint, or a good sticker kind of cover material I could redo a blue Olivetti Underwood 378 with?
Idea is for a birthday present for a nephew who likes "CARS", & I'm going to design our family as vehicles to cover the typewriter. Nephew in question is turning 5; I was given my copy of an Underwood 378 when I was 9 -- it earned me the nickname "Hammerhands". From what I can tell, these things are kidproof. They're loud, yes.. very loud.. but, my nephew seems to be writing very well for a 5 year old, and keeps asking to "Come to Auntie's & play with her blue typewriter".
I have a video, but I am a new forum user. Video is unnarrated because my roommates were sleeping when I captured footage of this duplicate model of the one I had in childhood. Video features machine, and one ink. Typewriter in question has been dubbed "Baby Blue".
Video footage of model in question. Model is Spanish.
Hm, I'm not sure exactly what you have in mind, but you might Google "custom vinyl skins". There a companies that wil print custom vinyl decals, like for skins on phones or laptops. They might be able to do one in a custom format, especially if it's not designed to cover the whole item, but just as a decoration.