OK, I'm helpless when it comes to picking up nifty stuff like a brass & marble stamp roll holder.
And a brass ink blotter...
...And a brass reciept spike.
The ol' Parker-61 desk set is complete. Ready to sign off on typewritten letters & get them into the mailbox!
Now I just need a bigger desk.
Happy typing!
Nice touch with the 6 cent stamps! I can't remember when those would have been current -- circa 1970 perhaps?
My mom probably has a calendar like that somewhere in her house. Or she used to. Just another thing for me to look for at some point.
Fleetwing wrote:
Nice touch with the 6 cent stamps! I can't remember when those would have been current -- circa 1970 perhaps?
Thanks. They were still in the holder, so who knows about its age. Pretty good guess though. (Stamp collector?) According to a USPS, they were introduced in 1968.
colrehogan wrote:
My mom probably has a calendar like that somewhere in her house. Or she used to. Just another thing for me to look for at some point.
Yeah, took a few years. Snagged the desk set many moons ago. Found calendar at local estate sale a couple of years back. Was looking for onion skin paper & ran across brass set that kind of rounded it all out.
My stylin' fishtail pen is happy.