This is one I've been wondering for awhile. I recently did a test with my Royal Arrow verses my brother's Quiet DeLuxe about which one has a better escapement reaction time. I consider these typewriters to be mechanically identical but with the QDL packing a few more extras. I rapidly pressed the 'A' and '@' key back to back until I reached the right margin. The Arrow actually help up quite well (compared to my Olympia SM-4 which I also did this test on. Let's just say it smoked the competition) with only two or so crammed characters. The ODL however, had much more overlapping letters and overall looked pretty sloppy. Now my brother isn't a fast typist, but as for myself, I have an erratic touch which doesn't sit well with Royals which require me to go at a steady constant pace. Is there a way I can adjust the escapement so that it reacts faster? Or better yet, are there service manuals for repairmen to tinker around in there?
Last edited by ztyper (10-8-2015 20:29:54)
ztyper wrote:
Or better yet, are there service manuals for repairmen to tinker around in there?
If you are registered as a "Typewriter Hunter" at Typewriter Database, you have access to the documents library there. There is a manual called D. E. Fox Typewriter Repair Manual, 1950 that has a section on Royal portables - the escapement adjustment section may be useful to you.
Thanks, I'll go check it out.
A typewriter hunter? What does that mean?
colrehogan wrote:
A typewriter hunter? What does that mean?
Just go to the site and read about it. That will be faster and more accurate and complete than what we can say.
colrehogan wrote:
A typewriter hunter? What does that mean?
The FAQ page at TWDB has detailed information on "Typewriter Hunters":
I love being a "Typewriter Hunter" at TWDB because of the access to the documents library, the ability to upload typewriter galleries of my own, and the ability to view and participate in discussions about typewriters in the TWDB. I definitely recommend becoming a "Typewriter Hunter" at TWDB.
Mech wrote:
colrehogan wrote:
A typewriter hunter? What does that mean?
The FAQ page at TWDB has detailed information on "Typewriter Hunters":
I love being a "Typewriter Hunter" at TWDB because of the access to the documents library, the ability to upload typewriter galleries of my own, and the ability to view and participate in discussions about typewriters in the TWDB. I definitely recommend becoming a "Typewriter Hunter" at TWDB.
Didn't know that either. Thanks to you & "Höhne" for tip.
"Ztyper" - you'll post with an update? Too chicken to tweak mine like that until know more.
I'll post an update alright, but I'm just not sure if I'll ever get started!
Starting is usually my problem, but if I get around to it, I'll show the adjutments that I did on all of the Royals that need it. Except my KMG, that thing's perfect besides a wonky tab.
I signed up there and asked to be upgraded. Thanks!
I am hoping to be able to download the manual referenced in the posts above. I think I have an escapement issue with my Smith-Corona Silent. I can type all the way across the page until I get to one point and then it hangs up. Don't know why. I watched it yesterday while pressing the space bar and looking at it from below. I don't know whether it is something I can fix or not.
I used some PB Blaster on the typebars and they all move much better than they did when I first tried the machine.
Last edited by colrehogan (16-8-2015 22:58:05)
colrehogan -- if it's always at the same spot then have a look at the knot on the draw string (or draw tape if your Silent has one instead). Notice if it is frayed. Then carefully watch it with a flashlight underneath while you space across to see if the knot is hanging up on something metal under the carriage. That can cause the carriage to encounter resistance at a certain spot sometimes. If so, then you can try trimming the frayed part off the draw string or something else. Hope this works for you. J.W.