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Forum Topics Replies Last post

Type Talk

General typewriter talk including news, announcements,and other matters concerning the Typewriter Forum.
544 8,938 Recent Acquisitions Thread
by keystriker

Early Typewriters

A sub-forum for non-standard typewriters and their myriad variants manufactured in the 1800s and very early 1900s.
69 466 Smith Premier #4 Restoration Progress
by colrehogan

Electric Typewriters

A sub-forum dedicated solely to the discussion of electro-mechanical and electronic typewriters (all makes and models).
147 1,121 'Olympia Model 35 A61' vs SGE 35?
by thetypewriterman

Portable Typewriters

Reviews, impressions, and other discussions that concern portable typewriters (all makes and models).
660 5,120 Groma Kolibri card holders
by Laurenz van Gaalen

Standard Typewriters

Reviews, impressions, and other discussions that concern standard (full-size/office) typewriters (all makes and models).
309 2,551 Underwood “Rhythm Touch”/ SX-100 Margin Stop Repair
by Beachycove

Typewriter Paraphernalia

This sub-forum is for the discussion of typewriter related items that include everything from ribbon to desks, copy holders to special tools, everything that isn't the typewriter itself.
114 966 Problem with silk typewriter ribbon
by keystriker

Vintage Office Machines

They might not be typewriters, but we like them all the same. Use this sub-forum to discuss your cool pencil sharpeners, staplers, check protectors, seal presses, duplicating machines, dictating equipment, telephones, and time clocks,
9 221 Stapler
by mikeytap

Typewriter Photo Galleries

NO DISCUSSION - JUST PICTURES! The Gallery sub-forums are an opportunity to share photos of the typewriters from your OWN collection.
30 355 The German Gallery
by Eagle

Tech Talk

Forum Topics Replies Last post

Maintenance & Repairs

From busted bells to cranky carriages, here's where you'll find questions and answers concerning typewriter repairs.
1,431 7,287 Varityper folding
by paulsath


Discussion of typewriter related resources from repair manuals to museums.
50 206 here is a good tool for scanning typewritten pages to Word
by JJH


Forum Topics Replies Last post

The World of Typewriters

A sub-forum dedicated to the discussion of online typewriter blogs, typecasting, books, collectors, and other sources. You can also find pen pals here to exchange typewritten snail mail.
108 915 Composition Of Your Collections...
by M. Höhne

Das deutsche Schreibmaschinenforum

Ein Forum für deutschsprachige Schreibmaschinen-Enthusiasten
5 11 Schreibmaschinenreparatur und -walzenaustausch in Deutschland?
by Pete E.

El Foro de la Máquina de Escribir en Español

Un foro para entusiastas de la máquina de escribir de habla hispana
0 0 None

Le Forum français de la machine à écrire

Un forum pour les amateurs de machines à écrire francais
2 2 Ressort de rappel de chariot sur Varityper Folding
by paulsath

Regional Events

A special sub-forum where enthusiasts living in the same area can arrange meetings or announce special events such as type-ins. You will also find items of regional interest posted here.
38 129 Shift Happens: The abridged history of having fun \/\/ith keyboards
by robmck

Typewriter Services

Links and discussion concerning typewriter related businesses including professional repair shops.
14 87 Goodwill
by robmck


A place to talk about everything and anything that isn't typewriter related. NO political or religious discussions please!
79 825 A Stupendous Discovery
by keystriker

Buy & Sell

Forum Topics Replies Last post

Typewriters - Private Sellers Only

List a typewriter you want to sell or one you want to buy in this forum. Links to machines elsewhere can also be included here. Complete machines only please! This forum is for private sellers only - NO retailers or dealers please.
153 401 WTB: Olympia SG-1
by Pete E.

Typewriters - Dealers/Retailers

Sales forum for use by dealers, retailers, and other commercial businesses. Only sales posts for complete typewriters, parts, and accessories may be posted here. No 'want-to-buy' or 'trade' posts permitted.
15 41 FS: Antique Typewriter Auction
by DonleyAuctions


Whether you have a platen or a parts machine for sale, post it here. Need a spring for a '54 Underwood? A platen knob for your '38 Urania? Ask for one here.
260 478 WTB: '63 H3K mainspring
by lazydog


Post your replacement ribbons, manuals, tools, and other typewriter related items here regardless if you want to sell or buy.
23 58 FS: 1960s Olivetti ribbon spools and a random metal one
by Anastar

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