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Parts » WTB: Hammond No. 2 Bell Striker Assembly » 02-1-2020 11:49:05 |
Hello, I recently purchased a Hammond #2 that is in very good working condition, but is missing the bell striker assembly. If anyone has one laying around, I'd appreciate hearing from you. I think they are interchangeable with the Hammond 12 strikers. Thanks!
Maintenance & Repairs » Olivetti Studio 44 Platen Knob removal » 14-4-2019 15:42:13 |
Answering my own question: a 7/32" wrench is the proper size to fit the slots on the platen rod, and after I borrowed one from a neighbor, I got the rod to turn (counterclockwise) and was able to remove it (and the knob).
Maintenance & Repairs » Olivetti Studio 44 Platen Knob removal » 12-4-2019 15:22:23 |
Hi, Fragpie,
So, how DID you remove that left platen knob? The rod going into the platen on my machine has two slots in it between the end of the platen and the end-piece of the carriage - like you could put a thin 1/8"wrench on it and turn it. Did you do that? Also, which way is it threaded? Thanks for any advice you can give!
Maintenance & Repairs » Adler J3 Ribbon Vibrator Adjustment » 24-3-2019 12:10:27 |
My Adler J3's ribbon vibrator works only when the ribbon selector is set to black, and then it moves so high that it types in red. There is a U-shaped bracket with slots on both legs that operates the vibrator. The ribbon selector mechanism has a stud that slides back and forth between the bracket legs. One end of the stud engages the slot for the black setting and the opposite end of the stud engages the slot for the red. I can see that when it's set to red, the stud stops short and doesn't engage in the slot. I've been trying to adjust it, but can't really access the mechanism enough to see it well, and there seems to be very little (if any) margin for error for both slots to engage properly.
I'm thinking that I need to remove the carriage, but am wary of that. I've read elsewhere that some J model carriages can be removed easily by removing just 2 screws. I've looked this one over pretty carefully and don't see any screws that look like they'd do that.
Any advice for either the vibrator adjustment or carriage removal would be greatly appreciated!
Maintenance & Repairs » Royal Aristocrat Carriage Removal » 10-7-2018 18:28:28 |
I forgot to add that the universal bar seems to be free - it moves about 1/8" and moves the linkages that go up toward the escapement - as does the space bar. I'm not sure if that is the normal distance, though.
Maintenance & Repairs » Royal Aristocrat Carriage Removal » 10-7-2018 18:24:43 |
Thanks for the advice.
Yeah, ever since I was a little guy, I've been learning that taking apart is a lot easier than putting back together! I knew the Royal KMM carriage is really hard to remount, and I was afraid the Aristocrat's, being of the same period, would be similar.
I'm glad to hear that removing the platen and paper trough will give me another view angle - I didn't think it would. I think I can handle that operation. It'll give me a chance to do some more cleaning and check out the rollers too,
I'll keep you posted. Thanks again,
Maintenance & Repairs » Royal Aristocrat Carriage Removal » 08-7-2018 19:53:01 |
Hello, all,
I'm a newbie and just bought a 1939 Royal Aristocrat whose carriage won't advance when using the spacebar or any of the keys. Otherwise, it appears to be in really good condition. The carriage moves back and forth very smoothly when I use the carriage release levers. I've given it a cleaning and replaced the draw strap and that seems fine now. I've traced the linkages as far as I can and don't see any problem up to the escape wheel, but I can't see all the mechanics in there. I'm thinking I'd like to take the carriage off, so that I can see what's going on, but can't find any manuals on how to do that, and am thinking I might be over my head if I try to wing it. I have a Royal KMM, and I know removing (and replacing!) their carriage is complicated, even with the military service manual that is available on line.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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