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05-10-2017 16:57:52  #1

Fountain Pen Users Here?

It seems in that with a few of the people that I have typewritten back and forth with on here, and I what I probably would have expected, the use of typewriters and fountain pens goes hand in hand. I just wanted to check in and say hello to any of the other fountain pen users out there! I am a big fan of the fountain pen, which I started writing with back in the 3rd grade when my mother's boss gave me one of his as a gift after I could not hold back my curiosity and admiration of his. From then on, I've certainly had my periods of surrendering to the ballpoint- but more or less, the fountain pen has remained, and as I've gotten older, my love for them has been quite strong. For me, there is nothing like a pen that has a design of yesteryear and a nib that writes a nice wet line, not too thick, not too thin. I am a big fan of Bexley pens for their great American manufacturing, and their designs that nod at pens from the golden era. Most recently I've become a fan of ebonite pens, finally splurging after admiring for a long time. JUST like typewriters, they seem to be DANGEROUSLY addictive!! My current favorite ink is Montblanc Permanent Blue. I often write with Diamine Registrar's Iron Gall ink, which is truly my favorite, but I go through periods of time of thinking that ink might be too acidic for my steel pen nibs. It is the permanence of both of these inks that interest me greatly. Just some thoughts! Looking forward to hearing any of your fountain pen stories. I've thrown this rather awful photo in just to share my current two favorite pens.



20-10-2017 13:44:43  #2

Re: Fountain Pen Users Here?

At least 5 days a week I use my Esterbrook.  I have others but this one is my favorite.  It's always on my desk ready for action!


29-10-2017 13:32:59  #3

Re: Fountain Pen Users Here?

I picked up some cheap fountain pens off of eBay. They look beautiful, but definitely not left handed friendly.

Looks like I'll stick to my typewriters 😉


12-1-2018 23:54:44  #4

Re: Fountain Pen Users Here?

I’ve been on the hunt for a nice pen...I have a soft spot for high end writing utensils.  Saw one at a warehouse store for $65 and it had a set of nibs...a bit pricey for a plastic pen.  Also, they don’t work to well with left handed people like me.  I do love fountain pens and quill pens though ;)

Typewriter Service Tech (and avid nerd)

15-1-2018 12:57:16  #5

Re: Fountain Pen Users Here? ... a great resource and easier to read, reply, and post or comment than typewriter.boardhost. This may be because their are many more pen collectors. Idomate to it and now it accepts advertising, which does only limited damage.

I have found typewriter fanciers among the readership.


10-5-2018 12:07:43  #6

Re: Fountain Pen Users Here?

I used to be an active member of FPN, but left because of its restrictions on free expression - FPN is very PC, and the moderators tend towards totalitarianism; it is a sackable offence even to question any decision they come up with - not my kind of place any longer.
Yes, I have had a fountain pen on me every day for many decades - generally a Pelikan M805 with broad nib.  A great pen and cheaper by far than the overpriced MB.


10-5-2018 15:00:30  #7

Re: Fountain Pen Users Here?

beak wrote:

I used to be an active member of FPN, but left because of its restrictions on free expression...

​I used to be an active member as well, more of a reader than contributor, but never encountered anything draconian about the forum. I wonder if it has changed for the better - or for the worse? It's been a few years since I logged in, so I'm wondering if your experiences were prior to that period, or something more recent? 

beak wrote:

... generally a Pelikan M805 with broad nib.  A great pen and cheaper by far than the overpriced MB.

​Although I do own a Montblanc and would love to buy a Pelikan (I'd be happy with a lowly M200), I was under the impression that the pricing between the two companies was comparable, limited edition/high-end models notwithstanding? There are certainly a number of Montblanc models available in the same price range as M400/600 Pelikans.  

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

16-6-2022 15:08:07  #8

Re: Fountain Pen Users Here?

I write with fountain pens and have been quite lucky with social media giveaways. My rule is to penable someone with one of my earlier pens every time I win a new one. Every month on the 15th, gives away a whole list of prizes and I’ve won several time. No purchase is necessary. Last month I won the top prize- a Waldmann Edelfeder 2 in 1. It’s a retractable ballpoint (blue ink) on one end and a cartridge fountain pen on the other! I’m using nearly everyday in my Hobonichi journal. Yes, I am quite enamored of fountain pens and the fountain pen community in general. I like broad nibs and also stacked nibs made by creative individuals like Jose Munera in Dublin Ireland (@nib.lab on Instagram) we’ve bartered some. 

"When I look at my life and it's secret colors, I feel like bursting into tears" Albert Camus
I type standing up.

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