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  • Maintenance & Repairs

    Topic Replies Views Last post
    skyriter restore by royaltypewriter
    07-9-2015 14:22:48
      1 2 
    10 7,571
    06-9-2019 20:51:23
    by Sunnyjim333
    1964 Remington Travel-Riter Deluxe [GR936555] by niels
    03-9-2019 05:43:34
    3 1,661
    03-9-2019 18:05:42
    by GramsRoyal
    Cleaning Oliver keys- suggestions? by RemingtonJim
    02-9-2019 15:47:59
    0 703
    02-9-2019 15:47:59
    by RemingtonJim
    What is the best break-in method for a new typewriter. by John Earley
    31-8-2019 20:33:11
    3 1,276
    01-9-2019 11:40:53
    by John Earley
    Olivetti Lettera 22 by Gaust
    02-3-2018 09:58:15
    6 5,657
    4 3,082
    31-8-2019 11:46:13
    by John Earley
    3 3,892
    26-8-2019 14:20:25
    by Laurenz van Gaalen
    SM3 Keyboard "Flex" by Fragpie
    24-8-2019 20:29:25
    1 958
    25-8-2019 06:38:37
    by M. Höhne
    Shift keys don't shift the type face to lowercase by redacted_NewsPapers
    19-8-2019 18:52:14
    2 1,153
    Cracked paint restoration- Oliver No. 5 by RemingtonJim
    18-8-2019 14:41:54
    1 916
    19-8-2019 03:14:42
    by thetypewriterman
    Underwood Nº4 Ribbon Wind by John Earley
    14-8-2019 18:27:30
    2 1,161
    15-8-2019 10:34:55
    by John Earley
    Remington Standard 12 bell by IanJ
    14-8-2019 05:43:28
    0 636
    Royal 10 with a broken slug by Mr58Catfish
    30-7-2019 16:06:02
    7 2,532
    09-8-2019 10:49:34
    by Mr58Catfish
    Best source for screws for a Hermes Rocket body? by IvanRocket
    30-6-2019 17:40:30
    4 3,618
    Imperial by Wheelwright
    03-7-2019 12:22:26
    1 1,032

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